Remembering Violet Mary Klotz, a.k.a. #MaeClarke (1910-92), the American film, theatre and television actor, born in Philadelphia #OnThisDay. In Hollywood from 1929, she was unforgettably mistreated by James Cagney in #ThePublicEnemy (1931) and #LadyKiller (1933) and immortalised as Colin Clive's bride in her second collaboration with James Whale, #Frankenstein (1931).
#BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD #UniversalMonsters #GothicHorror #WarnerGangsters #PreCode
#maeclarke #OnThisDay #thepublicenemy #ladykiller #frankenstein #bornonthisday #botd #otd #universalmonsters #gothichorror #warnergangsters #precode
"(...)I think it’s harder to be a man in America in 2022,than it is to be a woman.(...)
Because you guys are so good at killing us,and yet we still live longer?!
What the fuck, you guys?!How did that happen?
Can’t even do the one thing you are good at!"
#jenafriedman #ladykiller #frankissnippets
"(...)I can’t even make fun of #QAnon ’cuz it’s not even the craziest #Conspiracy,JFK Junior still being alive is way more credible than a #PregnantVirgin.
We made it through a whole #MeTooMovement, it’s over now, we know that,HaHaHa - we tried(...)
#Mary had #Jesus when she was,what,12(...)Not saying #God is a #Pedophile,’cuz that would imply that God exists.(...)"
My point is: next #Christmas,when you're opening your presents - unpack that."
#qanon #conspiracy #pregnantvirgin #metoomovement #mary #jesus #god #pedophile #christmas #jenafriedman #ladykiller #frankissnippets
"I just feel bad for so many #Americans who’ve been sucked down conspiracy theory rabbit holes like #QAnon & I can’t even make fun of QAnon ’cuz it’s not even the craziest #Conspiracy, like JFK Junior still being alive is way more credible than a #PregnantVirgin. Look, we made it through a whole #MeTooMovement, it’s over now, we know that, but we made it through, HaHaHa... - we tried, we made it through a whole MeToo-Movement and no one called that shit out?!" #JenaFriedman,#Ladykiller
#americans #qanon #conspiracy #pregnantvirgin #metoomovement #jenafriedman #ladykiller
"(...)I can’t even make fun of #QAnon ’cuz it’s not even the craziest #Conspiracy,JFK Junior still being alive is way more credible than a #PregnantVirgin.
We made it through a whole #MeTooMovement, it’s over now, we know that,HaHaHa - we tried(...)
#Mary had #Jesus when she was,what,12(...)Not saying #God is a #Pedophile,’cuz that would imply that God exists.(...)"
My point is: next #Christmas,when you're opening your presents - unpack that."
#qanon #conspiracy #pregnantvirgin #metoomovement #mary #jesus #god #pedophile #christmas #jenafriedman #ladykiller #frankissnippets
"I just feel bad for so many #Americans who’ve been sucked down conspiracy theory rabbit holes like #QAnon & I can’t even make fun of QAnon ’cuz it’s not even the craziest #Conspiracy, like JFK Junior still being alive is way more credible than a #PregnantVirgin. Look, we made it through a whole #MeTooMovement, it’s over now, we know that, but we made it through, HaHaHa... - we tried, we made it through a whole MeToo-Movement and no one called that shit out?!" #JenaFriedman,#Ladykiller
#americans #qanon #conspiracy #pregnantvirgin #metoomovement #jenafriedman #ladykiller
"(...)I can’t even make fun of #QAnon ’cuz it’s not even the craziest #Conspiracy,JFK Junior still being alive is way more credible than a #PregnantVirgin.
We made it through a whole #MeTooMovement, it’s over now, we know that,HaHaHa - we tried(...)
#Mary had #Jesus when she was,what,12(...)Not saying #God is a #Pedophile,’cuz that would imply that God exists.(...)"
My point is: next #Christmas,when you're opening your presents - unpack that."
#qanon #conspiracy #pregnantvirgin #metoomovement #mary #jesus #god #pedophile #christmas #jenafriedman #ladykiller #frankissnippets
#joellejones #Ladykiller #holidays
Guess it's time to start getting into the holiday spirit.
Art by Joëlle Jones.
#holidays #ladykiller #joellejones
Preview of my next NSFW pic
My OC William flexing for 3 lucky bunny girls after workout. I really need to learn how to make outlines faster to not waste time.
#preview #blueumbra #NSFW #muscles #bunny #anthro #furry #ladykiller #outline
#muscles #bunny #anthro #preview #nsfw #furry #blueumbra #ladykiller #outline