Undiscovered Scotland · @UndisScot
6251 followers · 1391 posts · Server mastodon.scot

The slightly creepy "Devil's Clawmarks" at the ruined Lady Kirk on the island of Sanday in Orkney. It would have taken a fairly large being with at least six claws to have made the marks in question: or perhaps some sort of erosion? More pics and info: undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/san

#undiscoveredscotland #orkney #sanday #ladykirk #devilsclawmarks #scotland

Last updated 1 year ago

Jane Miller · @JaneMiller
316 followers · 54 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Lovely walk this morning.
Ladykirk Church, constructed late 15th century on the orders of King James IV of Scotland. Early burials under the walls of the building suggest the existence of an earlier church on the site.

Returning from his siege of Norham Castle in 1496, King James almost drowned in the River Tweed when his horse fell. Believing he was saved by the Virgin Mary, James ordered the church rebuilt and dedicated to her.

#rivertweed #archaeology #ScottishBorders #ladykirk

Last updated 2 years ago