K had me a Hawaiian shirt made with Buster P. & Lady Lucy Waffle-Pants's pictures on it. 😍 🥲 The shirt actually looks better than the pictures would indicate. #BusterP #LadyLucyWafflePants
@VampiresAndRobots Her kidneys failed in March, & we had her euthanized. 😭 I'd never been with a dog so long, & it damn near killed me. :( Same with K. K got a tattoo of Lady on her lower leg -- I don't think she'd ever been with a dog that long either. Lady was so important to her. We call the tattoo "Ghost Lady." :) And sometimes, when we talk about Lady now, we also call her Ghost Lady. It's just how we deal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #LadyLucyWafflePants
@VampiresAndRobots Our previous rescue, #LadyLucyWafflePants, was rescued from the Savannah area by a woman who runs an animal rescue place. I won't get into all the details, but Lady was being treated horribly. The "rescue," I'm told, involved a shotgun & a pair of bolt cutters. Then K wound up with Lady, & later I wound up with K. :) I don't like to sound like I'm bragging, but that dog had a 1000% better life with us than she had then. #dog #rescueDogs #DogsOfMastodon #RIPLady
#riplady #dogsofmastodon #rescuedogs #dog #ladylucywafflepants
The reason I'm called "Damn Guy" in LadySpeak, the faux pidgin K & I use to talk to dogs -- well, the former #LadyLucyWafflePants [ 😭 ] & now #BusterP. #FriskyDingo #dogs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=123dC1uQ1DQ
#Dogs #friskydingo #busterp #ladylucywafflepants
@beaveinflow I got shots for dog allergies for a long time, along with shots for a few other things, and (almost) all the allergy drugs they make, some at doses larger than standard. It was totally worth it for our little girl Lady Lucy Waffle-Pants, who is unfortunately gone now. 😭 #LadyLucyWafflePants
K gave permission to show her #LadyLucyWafflePants tattoo. I'm including a picture of Lady for reference.
K's sister's s.o., a graphic artist, did the design a few years ago from a picture. K always thought it would make a good tattoo. After Lady died, K decided to pull the trigger.
I apologize for the minimal descriptions here inside these Lady Lucy Waffle-Pants photos. I'm just trying to do it. #LadyLucyWafflePants 🐶 💔
You people fucking rock. I will keep accepting these when brought to the door, even when they're sent from people I don't know to K. 🌺 🥰 💞 🏵️
I know probably none of these people are on here, but thank you so very much. 😭 💔
A rare picture of Lady with George, who used to live upstairs. #LadyLucyWafflePants
@clementix Thank you. It's killing me right now. I've been with the dog as long as I've been with Karen. It'll get better, I know, but it's hard at the moment. #LadyLucyWafflePants
We had Lady put down earlier today. Her kidneys were failing, and she was very sick. She's the longest I've ever been with a pet. I took 3 pictures at the vet before she was injected with whatever; I'm not going to put those up right now, if ever. But this is the last picture I have of her otherwise. It's from 24 Feb 2023. 😭
@monkeyborg Lady Lucy Waffle-Pants & her goofy-ass-looking "son," Mr Humphries:
#LadyLucyWafflePants #MrHumphries #dogs #Mondog #DogsOfMastodon
#dogsofmastodon #Mondog #Dogs #mrhumphries #ladylucywafflepants
@monkeyborg 🤣
Someone K knows runs a Savannah (GA) area animal rescue. She found Lady chained out w/no shelter, food, or water. She was also (it turned out) pregnant, & had cigarette burns, broken ribs, & a vaginal infection. She was probably ~1 year old. The woman returned with bolt cutters & a shotgun, and took #LadyLucyWafflePants. K wound up with her because another dog, identified as her "son," didn't get along with her.
Here's a pic from ~14 years ago:
#Mondog #dogsOfMastodon
#dogsofmastodon #Mondog #ladylucywafflepants
I don't know if I've ever told anyone here, but Lady Lucy Waffle-Pants is not only a very good dog. She's also smart. This is kind of a secret, but she has her own book. I think you folks deserve to know about both it and her. #LadyLucyWafflePants
@mcnees @darth Can't you see she's crying? She wants The Darth to see her picture. She's also weak from The Hungers: her caretakers don't feed her or take care of her. 😭 #LadyLucyWafflePants #Darth
*Somebody* doesn't get why The Damn Guy's noisy machine woke her @ 8. The Mommy probably gets it, & also would have preferred otherwise. Ms. Waffle-Pants agreed to go out, but couldn't be bothered to go down the steps, & is now back in bed with The Mommy. Damn Guy gave LLW her bonbons (pills) & helped with the steps, but hasn't fed a little grrl either, & only made Demon Poo Juice, which she doesn't get. "Guy. WTF." #Mondog #dogsOfMastodon #LadyLucyWafflePants #QueenSakitobaOfSakatchewan
#queensakitobaofsakatchewan #ladylucywafflepants #dogsofmastodon #Mondog
Spending my Saturday morning spite-deleting old notifications from LinkedIn & probably getting crumbs from this toasted bagel in my keyboard. #LadyLucyWafflePants got a piece of both, but gave up after she got a piece of the 2nd one. I don't think she understood the process. :) How's your Saturday morning going?
I just changed the bedclothes. The way you can tell is the black dog in the middle of the bed. #LadyLucyWafflePants
Somebody is making horrible buttsmells. Also , she has her tie on wrong. ;) #LadyLucyWafflePants #Mondog #DogsOfMastodon
#dogsofmastodon #Mondog #ladylucywafflepants
After just one small plate of waffle pieces, Lady Lucy Waffle-Pants, a.k.a. Queen Sakitoba Of Sakatchewan, crawled onto the bed and fell into a deep, maple-syrup-induced coma. She also emitted horrible smells at her Mom & sighed a deep sigh of contentment. #waffleMadness
It's unclear if the maple syrup was imported from Vermont or Canada. 🍁 🥞 🐕 #LadyLucyWafflePants #QueenSakitobaOfSakatchewan
#queensakitobaofsakatchewan #ladylucywafflepants #wafflemadness