A British story in 3 parts. - 1: #PrinceWilliam's racist godmother (#LadySusanHussey) abuses a Black woman. - 2: The racist White woman is painted as the victim and the Black woman receives more abuse. - 3: The Black woman is forced to close her charity
#PrinceWilliam #ladysusanhussey
I’m pretty well engaged in UK Politics but I find myself honestly not caring one jot about the latest Royal controversy.
Of course it’s wrong to ask “where are you REALLY from?” because it obviously have prejudiced undertones. Some people haven’t grown out of them yet. Some through ignorance, some deliberately.
What gets me is the rush of Right Wing grifters leaping to the defence of #ladysusanhussey. They probably neither knew of or cared about her until the story broke. I certainly didn’t.
James Baldwin. 1963. #ladysusanhussey #racism #Mastodon
#Mastodon #racism #ladysusanhussey
How surprised are we that all the racists are out defending a racist?
RT @WestminsterWAG@twitter.com
I can see how being asked where you come could be very wearing, maybe even rude and invasive. But racist? I met a Bostonian of Iranian extraction recently, and asked her all sorts of things about her background in the context of recent events there. Was I wrong? #LadySusanHussey
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WestminsterWAG/status/1598285178937692161
If you ever ask me where I'm 'really' from and you get a very short answer, take it as a sign that I have no interest in spending my time and energy on getting to know you...
Old age does not mean you can be racist, anymore than it means you can sexually abuse children and expect to use a get-out of prison age-clause. Equally to change your name, portray yourself as someone who grew up in a different culture to what you actually did, cry foul when questioned appears to be a deliberate attempt to be dishonest. It appears to undermine progress towards getting rid of racism and dishonesty. #LadySusanHussey #NgoziFulani #MaryHeadley
#ladysusanhussey #ngozifulani #MaryHeadley
We have a winner in the “Reasons I cannot be racist” category. #LadySusanHussey @LBC@twitter.com #r4today
RT @RebeccaJJules@twitter.com
@spectator@twitter.com I can't be racist. Some of my best friends only have one leg.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RebeccaJJules/status/1598439417576067072
Chris Riddell
#RoyalFamily #Racism #LadySusanHussey
#ladysusanhussey #Racism #royalfamily
More a genral comment on social media than Mastodon, but it is interesting to see the racists contorting themselves into knots in trying to defend the indefensible.
Latest Headlines:
'#Racism has no place in our society': #KensingtonPalace condemns 'unacceptable comments' by #PrinceWilliam's own godmother #LadySusanHussey as she RESIGNS from #BuckinghamPalace role after asking #British black charity founder 'if she was from #Africa'
#racism #kensingtonpalace #princewilliam #ladysusanhussey #buckinghampalace #british #africa #DailyMailUK
Latest Headlines:
'#Racism has no place in our society': #KensingtonPalace condemns 'unacceptable comments' by #PrinceWilliam's own godmother #LadySusanHussey as she RESIGNS from #BuckinghamPalace role after asking #British black charity founder 'if she was from #Africa'
#racism #kensingtonpalace #princewilliam #ladysusanhussey #buckinghampalace #british #africa #DailyMailUK
'#Racism has no place in our society': #KensingtonPalace condemns 'unacceptable comments' by #PrinceWilliam's own godmother #LadySusanHussey as she RESIGNS from #BuckinghamPalace role after asking #British black charity founder 'if she was from #Africa'
#DailyMailUK https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/index.html
#racism #kensingtonpalace #princewilliam #ladysusanhussey #buckinghampalace #british #africa #DailyMailUK
Seems an apt time to share this piece I wrote for #WritersMosaic #RoyalLiteraryFund (full text on link): https://writersmosaic.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Ming-Ho-Belonging-and-a-sense-of-place-Aug-2022.pdf #whereareyoufrom #nativism #colonialism #ethnicity #heritage #Britishness #home #place #memory #belonging #Welsh #Chinese #LadySusanHussey
#ladysusanhussey #chinese #welsh #belonging #memory #place #home #britishness #heritage #ethnicity #colonialism #nativism #whereareyoufrom #royalliteraryfund #writersmosaic
'#Racism has no place in our society': #KensingtonPalace condemns 'unacceptable comments' by #PrinceWilliam's own godmother #LadySusanHussey as she RESIGNS from #BuckinghamPalace role after asking #British black charity founder 'if she was from #Africa'
#DailyMailUK https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/index.html
#racism #kensingtonpalace #princewilliam #ladysusanhussey #buckinghampalace #british #africa #DailyMailUK
'Racism has no place in our society': #KensingtonPalace condemns 'unacceptable comments' by #Prince illiam's own godmother #LadySusanHussey as she RESIGNS from #BuckinghamPalace role after asking British black charity founder 'if she was from Africa'
#DailyMailUK https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/index.html
#kensingtonpalace #prince #ladysusanhussey #buckinghampalace #DailyMailUK
This #RacistBigot hussy, #LadySusanHussey 🤣 is the wife of former @BBC Chair, Duke Hussey, long time senior household aide & confidante of #royalfamily, AND godmother of #PrinceWilliam #thecrownseason5 has this woman on it. William doesnt hold a candle to #Diana #queenofhearts ♥️ They didnt fire her - she was allowed to ‘quit’ 🤔 Looting, thieving, plundering, adulterers. #RacistRoyalFamily ‘https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63810468
#racistroyalfamily #queenofhearts #diana #thecrownseason5 #PrinceWilliam #royalfamily #ladysusanhussey #RacistBigot
Thing is, #LadySusanHussey wont have the first clue as to what shes done wrong.
None of the fucking Royals do [save for one lad and his wife who have a good understanding!] because its so ingrained in their privilege.
#ladysusanhussey #AbolishTheMonarchy