Need #support! So much #lag. I keep trying to like or follow, and it takes eons for the app/site to respond. And sometimes, after all that lag, it happens in rapid fashion as if to catch up on the 20 times I tried to hit like. (Star gets marked/unmarked/marked… etc). Is this my #instance having trouble, or is it a me thing? I cleared my media cache in the #iOS app for #mastodon but it still has problems every day like this. I want to be interacting here more, but when it gets laggy it feels like I’m slamming my hand in a car door over and over. #Help!
#support #lag #instance #iOS #Mastodon #help
Golf impact position | lag in the golf swing
#Golf #GolfSkills #golfskillsvideos #golfskillsvlog #golfskillsYouTube #GolfSwing #golfswingvideos #golfswingvlog #golfswingYouTube #impact #lag #Position #Swing
#golf #golfskills #golfskillsvideos #golfskillsvlog #golfskillsyoutube #golfswing #golfswingvideos #golfswingvlog #golfswingyoutube #impact #lag #position #swing
Ben Hogan Swing | Grip | lag | rotation uncovered masterclass #benhogan #masterclass #segment #golf
#Ben #benhogan #Golf #GolfGrip #golfgripvideos #golfgripvlog #golfgripYouTube #GolfSkills #golfskillsvideos #golfskillsvlog #golfskillsYouTube #GRIP #Hogan #lag #Masterclass #ROTATION #Segment #Swing #Uncovered
#benhogan #masterclass #segment #golf #ben #golfgrip #golfgripvideos #golfgripvlog #golfgripyoutube #golfskills #golfskillsvideos #golfskillsvlog #golfskillsyoutube #grip #hogan #lag #rotation #swing #uncovered
@fuchsiii so: "Wie können Leute den #Lag der aktuellen #Apple #MagicMouse ignorieren? Sind die alle laggy im leben??"
Ich so: "Wahrscheinlich ist für die #Lagstep auch normale Kommunikation?"
#lagstep #MagicMouse #Apple #lag
Although the video calls this a #StirlingEngine it is actual an example of a #Thermal #Lag Engine.
@msh @mathowie That being said, I'm in awe amidst #Apple's ability to f**k up designs so badly at the same time other stuff is just brilliant.
for example the #MagicTrackpad is super nice and has no notiveable #lag but then the #MagicMouse2 can't be charged whilst in use, has worse ergonomy, doesn't have replaceable batteries and lags so hard that it makes @fuchsiii ragequit with visible #lagging....
AFAIK both are #Bluetooth and both use the same Chips from Apple...
#Bluetooth #lagging #MagicMouse2 #lag #magictrackpad #Apple
Wenn wir in #Nds. mit #OpenData auf #kommunaler Ebene endlich voran kommen wollen, dann müssen wir das im Koalitionsvertrag vereinbarte #IFG #Informationsfreiheitsgesetz endlich verankern.
Infos zum Stand der Dinge:
Informationsfreiheitsgesetz - geht es weiter?
#LAG #Digitales und #Medien: Einladung 5.5. 23 um 19 Uhr
#nds #opendata #Kommunaler #ifg #informationsfreiheitsgesetz #lag #digitales #medien
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #EssentialMix
🎵 Azbest
#nowplaying #essentialmix #bbcr1 #lag
Looks like I'm having big troubles w/ my dual-PC setup: all works except sending the stream from my gaming PC to my stream PC. I tried by downgrading, putting NDI or OBS-Teleport, checked the firewall enabled everywhere, I still get my source freezing as hell. Yep, I'm kinda desesperated... #OBS #Fix #dualpc #NDI #Teleport #plugins #freeze #lag #delay #latency
#obs #fix #dualpc #ndi #teleport #plugins #freeze #lag #delay #latency
Central Bank of Venezuela Lags in Delivering Economic Data, Experts Fear Upcoming Hyperinflation - The Central Bank of Venezuela is lagging when it comes to delivering economic data... - #centralbankofvenezuela #hyperinflation #economicdata #economics #inflation #delay #cpi #gdp #lag
#lag #gdp #cpi #delay #inflation #economics #economicdata #hyperinflation #centralbankofvenezuela
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #Audioasis
🎵 Ladder Match
#nowplaying #Audioasis #jet #lag
RT @defrisselle
@loyalmoses @Barnacules Windows update tried to upgrade me to Windows 11 last night even though it said my computer doesn't meet the minimum requirements
It's only my shop PC that I stream from Don't need those kind of issues It's bad enough Discord keeps stealing one of my cameras
#USB #Lag
Major issues with #lag in #SecondLife for me started after my spouse and in-house tech support installed a new antivirus. Per #FirestormViewer tech chat, I probably have to #whitelist all the media plugins (streaming music, voice, video) and that’ll be super fun.
#lag #secondlife #firestormviewer #whitelist
Wenn man in RLP lebt und als Arbeitsrechtler in Frankfurt praktiziert ist es manchmal schwer. #Unterlassungsanspruch des #Betriebsrat|s bei #Betriebsänderung #LeibGericht #LAG #Wissenschaft
#Unterlassungsanspruch #Betriebsrat #betriebsanderung #leibgericht #lag #wissenschaft