will_shake · @will_shake
56 followers · 303 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I drove 60 miles from Bristol last night on wet dark roads.
I was 15 miles short on range, I knew I'd have to stop and charge somewhere.
There are several chargers en route, ones and two's but all were occupied, reminding me that ownership is growing quickly in the UK but despite investment infrastructure is not keeping up.
We need more to avoid a wait of 30 minutes or more for a vacant charger. No sign that the UK government understand this.

#ev #charginghubs #laggards

Last updated 2 years ago

TheGentYYC · @TheGentYYC
1108 followers · 2251 posts · Server mastodon.social

Seize the and Bird Site is all but dead because the 's prime motivation is (fear of missing out/getting left behind) and can reliably be counted on to grudgingly follow the Early Majority. As for the nobody anywhere should spare them a thought for any reason.

Thus Bird site's transition to dank backwater of racism/hatred/ignorance is complete & it will not be able to sustain itself. will die /3

#earlymajority #latemajority #fomo #laggards #birdsite

Last updated 2 years ago

Sir Hendrick ⚔️ · @SirHendrick
423 followers · 6931 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

. The recording of the scanner gives a good idea of the speed with which the gunner was dealt with: .

#lasvegasshooting #police #laggards

Last updated 8 years ago