The ‘taken-for-granted’ disappears
A look out of the window or at the screen shows a world where our 'ontological security' is disappearing. Our very fundamental sense of being is being broken. Our sense of continuity of our lives is ruptured. Multiple crisis rock the sense of the self. All of a sudden we are all at the ‘front-lines’ of experiencing the polycrisis.
Ontological security
#Giddens #Laing #Agamben #BareLife #experience #Angst #anxiety #ambiguity #stability #security #health #polycrisis #SelfdestructiveBehaviour #FossilFuels #war #pandemics #PermantThreats #SecureWorld #insecurity #climate #extinction #OntologicalSecurity
#giddens #laing #agamben #barelife #experience #angst #anxiety #ambiguity #stability #security #health #polycrisis #selfdestructivebehaviour #fossilfuels #war #pandemics #permantthreats #secureworld #insecurity #climate #extinction #ontologicalsecurity
Mais surtout pour la version de #mountain ! #imaginarywestern #west #pappalardi #laing
#laing #pappalardi #west #imaginarywestern #mountain
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🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
🎵 Du bist dir nicht mehr sicher
🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
🎵 Du bist dir nicht mehr sicher
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🎵 Morgens immer müde
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'We are unconscious of our minds. ... Our minds are conscious of us. ... The dreamer who dreams our dreams knows far more of us than we know of it. ... It is we who are out of our minds.'
—RD #Laing, 1965
Getting #concert tickets for #Christmas from my husband is awesome. But getting concert tickets for one of our favorite bands and, a day later, a personal postcard from that band in the mail is just :blobcatbirthday: :owi: :catjam: :ablobcatenjoy:.
#concert #christmas #laing #music
@senfex Wahrscheinlich würde dich das #Monster weder angreifen noch verfolgen, wenn du so reagierst, weil du #Empathie gezeigt hättest?
Diese Empathie ist wiederum notwendig, damit ein vermeintliches Monster (deine Wahrnehmung) sich in seiner eigenen Wahrnehmung nicht bedroht fühlt & derart, langsam über Zeit mutierend, immer weniger monsterhaft auf die Aussenwelt #wechselwirkt. #Laing
Ein beliebig zusammencollagiertes #Filmmonster hat allerdings wenig Chancen auf Tiefe wegen #Funktionalität.
#laing #filmmonster #funktionalitat #monster #empathie #wechselwirkt
“…Se durante il periodo degli studi i giovani venissero stimolati a mettere in dubbio i dieci comandamenti, la santità della religione rivelata, il patriottismo, le leggi del profitto, il bipartitismo politico, la monogamia, e cosí via….ci sarebbe tanta di quella creatività che la società non saprebbe a che santo votarsi…”
(La politica dell’esperienza – 1967 Ronald #Laing)
Affordable Vegan Filipino Dishes
In this video RG Enriquez tries to dispel the notion that vegan food has to be expensive and presents 10 dishes that can be made with ingredients that cost less than P100 (about $2.50 Canadian). Some of my favourites are in the list, including laing, ginataang langka, and ginataang kalabasa at sitaw.
#AstigVegan #filipino #ginataangkalabasaatsitaw #ginataanglangka #laing #vegan
#vegan #laing #ginataanglangka #ginataangkalabasaatsitaw #filipino #astigvegan
Affordable Vegan Filipino Dishes
Since spending time in the Philippines and being introduced to Filipino dishes by Tonet and her family, I’ve been trying vegan versions of Filipino foods. I’ve relied on Astig Vegan for recipes and ideas. In this video RG Enriquez tries to dispel the notion that vegan food has to be expensiv
#AstigVegan #filipino #ginataangkalabasaatsitaw #ginataanglangka #laing #vegan
#vegan #laing #ginataanglangka #ginataangkalabasaatsitaw #filipino #astigvegan