I just watched Hangover Square (John Brahm, 1945) and rated it 5/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hangover_Square_%28film%29?wprov=sfla1 #films #cinema #cinemastodon #HangoverSquare #PatrickHamilton #LairdCregar #LindaDarnell #GeorgeSanders ~ maybe would have scored higher if I hadn't just read the novel that this is nothing like!
#georgesanders #lindadarnell #lairdcregar #PatrickHamilton #HangoverSquare #cinemastodon #cinema #films
I've always wanted to see Laird Cregar in THE LODGER (1944) so...HA! Here's my chance on this week's #MadWed
Wed 2/8 - 8p ET #LairdCregar #GeorgeSanders #MerleOberon in a movie (as one contemporary poster claimed) "suitable only for adults" youtu.be/9krlVqehRtA
Don't have the mental bandwidth for simultaneously monitoring the Bird-site & Mastodon, but you're welcome to watch along but I expect the #CurseOfMelonHead to kill :birdsite: soon, so this disclaimer WILL expire
#MadWed #lairdcregar #georgesanders #merleoberon #standarddisclaimer #curseofmelonhead
I've always wanted to see Laird Cregar in THE LODGER (1944) so...HA! Here's my chance on this week's #MadWed
Wed 2/8 - 8p ET #LairdCregar #GeorgeSanders #MerleOberon in a movie (as one contemporary poster claimed) "suitable only for adults" youtu.be/9krlVqehRtA
Don't have the mental bandwidth for simultaneously monitoring the Bird-site & Mastodon, but you're welcome to watch along
#MadWed #lairdcregar #georgesanders #merleoberon #standarddisclaimer
This week’s #NoirAlley leading man is Laird Cregar
#TCMParty #HangoverSquare #LairdCregar #FilmNoir #DarknessAtNoon
#noiralley #tcmparty #HangoverSquare #lairdcregar #filmnoir #darknessatnoon
Back home after a long, yet too short, vacation. Taking the #NoirAlley back route to #HangoverSquare
RT @TCMComingUp
HANGOVER SQUARE (1945) #LairdCregar #LindaDarnell #GeorgeSanders
Dir.: #JohnBrahm 9:00 PM PT
A composer who can't control his creative temperament turns to murder.
1h 17m | #FilmNoir | TV-14
#TCM #TCMParty #NoirAlley #BernardHerrmann #StephenSondheim
#NoirAlley #hangoversquare #comingupontcm #lairdcregar #lindadarnell #georgesanders #johnbrahm #filmnoir #tcm #TCMParty #bernardherrmann #stephensondheim
NYJ, born the year that a rock 'n' roll record first made the pop charts, I'm a tax-and-spend bleeding heart limousine liberal and proud of it. #MitchCohen #LairdCregar #MiriamHopkins #KayFrancis #TroubleInParadise #DesignForLiving #310ToYuma #PereUbu #TheSuburbs #LoveIsTheLaw #AnythingAnything #PabloPicasso #HenriMatisse #RalphFleck #WilliamKlein #MassimoVignelli #BernardHermann #EnnioMorricone #TheHiddenFortress #BertLahr #EdWynn #WCFields #PennandTeller #FlyingKaramazovs #UncleVanya #Jumpers
#jumpers #UncleVanya #flyingkaramazovs #pennandteller #wcfields #edwynn #bertlahr #thehiddenfortress #enniomorricone #bernardhermann #massimovignelli #WilliamKlein #ralphfleck #HenriMatisse #pablopicasso #anythinganything #loveisthelaw #thesuburbs #PereUbu #310toyuma #designforliving #troubleinparadise #kayfrancis #miriamhopkins #lairdcregar #mitchcohen