#RoarkCapital , which is named after the ‘#LoneWolf ‘ hero Howard Roark in #AynRand ‘s fictional ode to #LaissezFaire capitalism, “The Fountainhead”, has purchased the #Subway sandwich chain. 👉 https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/24/subway-sells-to-dunkin-owner-roark-capital.html
Would you like a side of hypocritical #Objectivism with your roast beef footlong?
#roarkcapital #lonewolf #aynrand #laissezfaire #subway #objectivism
@DavidKnestrick So your ‘plan’ for addressing #ClimateChange is to keep doing what we’ve been doing for over two centuries and let the #FossilFuels fat cats remain in control of changes to #GlobalClimate ? 🤷🏻♂️
#LaissezFaire isn’t a plan, it’s a cop-out!
#climatechange #fossilfuels #globalclimate #laissezfaire
@Jdreben By the way, if you agree with the above reductio ad absurdum and also:
• people have the right to the products of their own mind and effort, bootstrapped or not
• and that includes the right to freely trade them with others for things they value
…then you’ve just worked out the principle behind #LaissezFaire #capitalism. But that’s not very fashionable in artistic circles for some reason 😉
File under “penny-wise but pound-foolish”: #Intel and #Qualcomm beg the #Biden administration to let them again freely sell to their enemies in #China seeking their destruction. https://www.theregister.com/2023/07/17/us_china_chip_wars/
I think they should get what they want, good and hard. And drop the strings-attached #ChipsAct #subsidies to #US #semiconductor firms. #LaissezFaire #capitalism
#semiconductors #chips #exports #Huawei #ChipsAndScience #ChipsAndScienceAct #LaissezFaireCapitalism
#intel #qualcomm #biden #china #chipsact #subsidies #us #semiconductor #laissezfaire #capitalism #semiconductors #chips #exports #huawei #chipsandscience #chipsandscienceact #laissezfairecapitalism
"OceanGate's founder, who is reportedly on board the missing Titan, said in a 2019 interview that the commercial submarine industry's regulations stood in the way of progress."
"Wer bei mir Führung bestellt bekommt sie auch"?
Leider hat Herr #Scholz vermieden zu erwähnen, welchen Führungsstil er meint.
Er arbeitet nach dem #LaissezFaire Prinzip: wenig eingreifen, viel laufen lassen, wenig Verantwortung übernehmen.
#LaissezFaire ist nicht unbedingt schlecht - aber auch nur, wenn ein Team selbständig und kooperativ arbeitet. Sonst entsteht oft ein Führungsvakuum, das durch Teammitglieder gefüllt werden muss. Ergebnis? Chaos, Verwirrung, Streit. Sounds familiar?#Habeck #Lindner
Im Endeffekt ist dieser Führungsstil ist in der aktuellen Situation für genau einen Menschen gut. Für Olaf Scholz. Er kann sich aus der Verantwortung ziehen. Er kann die schwierigen und unpopulären Entscheidungen anderen überlassen.
Ob er deswegen Kanzler geworden ist?
#scholz #laissezfaire #habeck #lindner
> ... some fans suspect an auto-industry stitch-up to keep out cheap Japanese competition. If so, it would not be the first time..
#CarIndustry #AutomotiveIndustry #FreeMarket #LaissezFaire #Capitalism #FairyTales
#fairytales #capitalism #laissezfaire #freemarket #automotiveindustry #carindustry
> ... some fans suspect an auto-industry stitch-up to keep out cheap Japanese competition. If so, it would not be the first time..
#CarIndustry #AutomotiveIndustry #FreeMarket #LaissezFaire #Capitalism #FairyTales
#fairytales #capitalism #laissezfaire #freemarket #automotiveindustry #carindustry
"A toddler bitten on the neck and head in a dog attack on the Gold Coast is in hospital in a serious condition. It is the second dog attack in the state this week, after a six-year-old was injured south of Brisbane on Monday."
Images: #Bellingen Farmers & Producers (No #Dogs) Market is crawling with roaming dogs every week.
#Pets #PetOwners #Food #Safety #LaissezFaire #Enforcement
#bellingen #dogs #pets #petowners #food #safety #laissezfaire #enforcement
Another story of private entities gaming wealth redistribution. Once a government has compromised its citizens’ #PropertyRights, we’re left with ever-disappearing opportunities to succeed based on effort and voluntary trade. The laws that should protect us become weapons for grafters and parasites.
You don’t solve this with more economic controls. You solve this by getting the government out of the economy altogether.
#propertyrights #capitalism #laissezfaire #economics
Live on #YouTube in one hour! https://www.youtube.com/live/6kgc8l9kWfU
To celebrate the 118th anniversary of #AynRand’s birth, New Ideal Live interviews Harry Binswanger on Rand's distinctively value-centered approach to #philosophy—and to living #life. Join us—TODAY (2/2) at 12 pm PT / 3 pm ET!
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/ARIYT
#values #ethics #egoism #reason #RationalSelfInterest #selfishness #LaissezFaireCapitalism #capitalism #LaissezFaire #TheFountainhead #AtlasShrugged
#youtube #aynrand #philosophy #life #values #ethics #egoism #reason #rationalselfinterest #selfishness #laissezfairecapitalism #capitalism #laissezfaire #thefountainhead #atlasshrugged
@linksfraktion @jankorte Wer hat Diplomatie diskreditiert? Herr #JanKorte , denken Sie Eskalation in beide Richtungen zu Ende. #Putin ist ein Schulhof-Bully. Wohin führt #laissezfaire bei diesen Vögeln?
#laissezfaire #putin #jankorte
Il governo delle piattaforme digitali https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/01/18/il-governo-delle-piattaforme-digitali/ #quartarivoluzioneindustriale #indaginedemoscopica #piattaformedigitali #deregolamentazione #GabrieleGiacomini #governodiInternet #liberaconcorrenza #GioacchinoToni #MarcoDelmastro #pianificazione #AntonioNicita #mediadigitali #laissezfaire #libertarismo #AlexBuriani #Recensioni #tecnologia #economia #internet #monopoli #Politica #BigTech #social
#social #bigtech #politica #monopoli #internet #economia #tecnologia #recensioni #AlexBuriani #libertarismo #laissezfaire #mediadigitali #AntonioNicita #pianificazione #MarcoDelmastro #gioacchinotoni #liberaconcorrenza #governodiInternet #GabrieleGiacomini #deregolamentazione #piattaformedigitali #indaginedemoscopica #quartarivoluzioneindustriale
@d3cline @mmasnick America is a deeply mixed economy sliding toward #socialism and has never seen full #LaissezFaire #capitalism. It is successful to the extent that the capitalist parts are begrudgingly allowed to function.
But because our culture is threaded with the #altruist moral ideal of serving others first, trade and commerce only happen because they pragmatically “work,” not because of any constitutionally inviolate recognition of the moral right to life and property.
#socialism #laissezfaire #capitalism #altruist
Or maybe the answer is to get government out of commerce altogether so that industries and companies can compete fairly instead of pressing for regulatory advantages
#LaissezFaire #capitalism https://www.techdirt.com/2023/01/05/big-telecoms-quest-to-tax-big-tech-for-no-reason-will-cause-massive-internet-instability-group-warns/
Economists claim
the UK economy of 1800 was based on minimal government and #laissezfaire - even though one might be skeptical since at the time the UK operated a world wide empire. The real history is different as Brewer shows in
Not only did the UK government operate the worlds largest navy, procurement system, industrial plant and R&D center but it pioneered effective tax bureaucracy and debt financing to meet the costs.
I hope it's obvious to all of you by now that it's happening now, and it's hitting everywhere. It will get worse, of course, but we have entered the Age of Endless Recovery, and part of that is the endless, weary movement of people trying to find that one place where maybe they can live in peace.
This doesn't have to be our future.
#climatecrisis #GlobalWarming #ClimateRefugees #Neoliberalism #capitalism #laissezfaire
#ClimateCrisis #globalwarming #climaterefugees #neoliberalism #capitalism #laissezfaire
There may be #conglomerate #unions that are too big and powerful. But when a #trade or #occupation is more specific (like rail workers), the power of a potential #strike is needed to keep pressure on #laissezfaire #capitalism. White collar jobs should be no exception. We saw in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (and now at #Twitter and #Amazon) what it looks like without that pressure.
#conglomerate #unions #trade #occupation #strike #laissezfaire #capitalism #twitter #amazon
A little late for #GivingTuesday, but I’ve set up an online #donation campaign for the #AynRand Institute for my upcoming birthday! Help me create a culture in which individuals are free to pursue their own happiness!
#Objectivism #charity #giving #AtlasShrugged #TheFountainhead #Fountainhead #Anthem #reality #reason #egoism #capitalism #RomanticRealism #America #USA #UnitedStates #LaissezFaire #individualism #IndividualRights
#givingtuesday #donation #aynrand #objectivism #charity #giving #atlasshrugged #thefountainhead #fountainhead #anthem #reality #reason #egoism #capitalism #romanticrealism #america #usa #unitedstates #laissezfaire #individualism #individualrights