The day #Disney dropped the news they weren't going forward with the #LakeNona project, and the day they announced they were closing #GalaxyStarcruiser...they sent me an email announcing an increase in my #DisneyPlus subscription fee...
Thanks, #Disney! Makes me sorry I gave you all the free #boosts yesterday! $91.48/year to $109.99!!! That's over $1/mo price increase. 🤬
#disney #lakenona #galaxystarcruiser #disneyplus #boosts
Disney Pulls Plug on $1 Billion Florida Development Deal Amid Feud with DeSantis #Disney #LakeNona #DeSantis #DontSayGayBill #LGBTQ #ReedyCreek #Election2024 #politicaliq #news #politics
#disney #lakenona #desantis #dontsaygaybill #lgbtq #reedycreek #election2024 #politicaliq #News #politics