If you live in the southwest USA, get out your rain barrels and check on your catchment basins - you’re about to get a lot of unseasonal rain that if stored well - can help in the drier times. Let’s hope folks got practice in the past winter letting water sit so it can filter down to the aquifers too! Flood those orchards!
#rain #draught #southwest #CA #CO #UT #AZ #NM #NV #LakeMead #LakePowell #Shasta #aquifer #hurricaine #HurricaineHilary
#hurricainehilary #hurricaine #aquifer #shasta #lakepowell #lakemead #nv #nm #az #ut #co #ca #southwest #draught #rain
Insanity in individuals is something rare -- but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche
⬆ #Quotes #FriedrichNietzsche #Insanity #Politics
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Pictographs #RockArt #DefianceHouse #LakePowell #Utah
#quotes #friedrichnietzsche #insanity #politics #photography #panorama #pictographs #rockart #defiancehouse #lakepowell #utah
Flags are bits of colored cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap people's brains and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead.
-- Arundhati Roy
⬆ #Quotes #ArundhatiRoy #Flags #Government #Propaganda
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Pictographs #RockArt #DefianceHouse #LakePowell #Utah
#quotes #arundhatiroy #flags #government #propaganda #photography #panorama #pictographs #rockart #defiancehouse #lakepowell #utah
@RichStein @TucsonSentinel unfortunately we're likely to see a lot more of the land underneath Lake Powell in the near future. People in Utah refuse to regulate to avoid the tragedy of the commons.
They're more interested in green church lawns, golf courses and degeneratively farmed alfalfa than they are drinking water. It was incredibly frustrating when I lived there.
#WaterScarcity #LakePowell #Utah #desertification #DestroyingTheEarth
#waterscarcity #lakepowell #utah #desertification #destroyingtheearth
"#GlenCanyon revealed — What comes next for #LakePowell? https://www.hcn.org/issues/55.2/features-water-glen-canyon-revealed
Impossible to grasp the vastness of these spaces and monuments without being in their presence. Get there if you can. As John Wesley Powell called it: sublime.
May be selfish but I'm glad to see some of these vistas revealed. I hope that efforts to address #ClimateChange also preserve more of nature in the American southwest (canyons, clean air) and elsewhere.
#glencanyon #lakepowell #climatechange #climatediary
After reading #DesertSolitaire by #EdwardAbbey & then #MonkeyWrenchGang in '76, we rafted through #Canyonlands in southeastern #Utah. After 8 days of lazily floating under the massive sandstone canyons, we arrived at the confluence of #GreenRiver & #ColoradoRiver & witnessed the immense rapids actively carving the heart of Cataract Canyon. Mind blown & then after the final set of rapids we arrived at a drowned #GlenCanyon 💔 making me a life-long lover of free rivers. 😢 #LakePowell can suck it.
#lakepowell #glencanyon #coloradoriver #greenriver #utah #canyonlands #monkeywrenchgang #edwardabbey #desertsolitaire
Look in the mirror, and don't be tempted to equate transient domination with either intrinsic superiority or prospects for extended survival.
-- Stephen Jay Gould
⬆ #Quotes #StephenJayGould #HumanEvolution
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #LakePowell #SlickRock #Canyon #Utah
#quotes #StephenJayGould #HumanEvolution #photography #panorama #lakepowell #slickrock #canyon #utah
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
-- Aldous Huxley
⬆ #Quotes #AldousHuxley #Ignorance #Knowledge
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #LakePowell #SlickRock #Canyon #Utah
#quotes #aldoushuxley #ignorance #knowledge #photography #panorama #lakepowell #slickrock #canyon #utah
I think that it's an honorable thing to change your mind occasionally. I don't think it's a sign of weakness or lack of integrity. I believe men are united by their doubts and separated by their convictions. Therefore, it's a very good thing to have doubts. Doubts are the greatest spur to activity that I know of.
-- Peter Ustinov
⬆ #Quotes #PeterUstinov #Doubt
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #LakePowell #SlickRock #Canyon #Utah
#quotes #peterustinov #doubt #photography #panorama #lakepowell #slickrock #canyon #utah
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.
-- Mahatma Gandhi
⬆ #Quotes #MahatmaGandhi #NonViolence #Revenge #Violence
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Pictographs #RockArt #DefianceHouse #LakePowell #Utah
#quotes #mahatmagandhi #nonviolence #revenge #violence #photography #panorama #pictographs #rockart #defiancehouse #lakepowell #utah
A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.
-- Oscar Wilde
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Pictographs #RockArt #DefianceHouse #LakePowell #Utah
#quotes #oscarwilde #truth #photography #panorama #pictographs #rockart #defiancehouse #lakepowell #utah
I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.
-- Ernest Hemingway
⬆ #Quotes #ErnestHemingway #Communication #Listening
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #LakePowell #SlickRock #Canyon #Utah
#quotes #ErnestHemingway #communication #listening #photography #panorama #lakepowell #slickrock #canyon #utah
I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.
-- Ernest Hemingway
⬆ #Quotes #ErnestHemingway #Communication #Listening
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #LakePowell #SlickRock #Canyon #Utah
#quotes #ErnestHemingway #communication #listening #photography #panorama #lakepowell #slickrock #canyon #utah
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
-- Seneca
⬆ #Quotes #Seneca #Luck #Opportunity #Preparation
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Pictographs #RockArt #DefianceHouse #LakePowell #Utah
#quotes #Seneca #luck #opportunity #preparation #photography #panorama #pictographs #rockart #defiancehouse #lakepowell #utah
Ideology is always wrong because it edits reality and paralyzes thought.
-- Jeffrey Hart (WSJ (Dec 27, 2005))
⬆ #Quotes #JeffreyHart #Ideology #Skepticism
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Pictographs #RockArt #DefianceHouse #LakePowell #Utah
#quotes #jeffreyhart #ideology #skepticism #photography #panorama #pictographs #rockart #defiancehouse #lakepowell #utah
"‘A portion of paradise’: how the drought is bringing a lost US canyon back to life - Record dryness has restored an ecosystem under Lake Powell, the country’s second-largest reservoir. Is it time to see it as ‘a national park rather than a storage tank’?"
"Lake Powell was created in 1963 to store water and provide hydropower for millions of people in western states. To do so, engineers built a 710ft-tall dam that severely limited the flow of the Colorado River, flooding Glen Canyon and forever altering one of the most ecologically and culturally rich areas in the south-western United States. The 180-mile canyon harbored unmatched riparian areas, side canyons and river tributaries, and thousands of ancient archaeological sites. The author and environmental activist Ed Abbey once called it “a portion of the Earth’s original paradise”."
#LakePowell #Drought #Ecosystems #Ecosystem #Restoration #ColoradoRiver #GlenCanyon #Utah #Arizona #Nevada #California #US #Climate #ClimateCrisis
#lakepowell #drought #ecosystems #ecosystem #restoration #coloradoriver #glencanyon #Utah #arizona #nevada #california #us #climate #ClimateCrisis
Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living!
-- Mother Jones
⬆ #Quotes #MotherJones #Activism
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Canyon #SlickRock #IcebergCanyon #LakePowell #Utah
#quotes #motherjones #activism #photography #panorama #canyon #slickrock #icebergcanyon #lakepowell #utah
Technology seems to always start out promising specialization and personalization. In the end, it delivers more homogenization instead.
-- Lee Gomes
⬆ #Quotes #LeeGomes #Computers
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Pictographs #RockArt #DefianceHouse #LakePowell #Utah
#quotes #leegomes #computers #photography #panorama #pictographs #rockart #defiancehouse #lakepowell #utah
The human mind treats a new idea the same way the body treats a strange protein; it rejects it.
-- P. B. Medawar
⬆ #Quotes #PBMedawar #NewIdeas
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Canyon #SlickRock #IcebergCanyon #LakePowell #Utah
#quotes #pbmedawar #newideas #photography #panorama #canyon #slickrock #icebergcanyon #lakepowell #utah