Radegunde · @petraclaudia
34 followers · 541 posts · Server rheinneckar.social

@friedi Don't think of an elephant; Buch über Framing von George .


Last updated 1 year ago


“If you don’t care what happens to other people — if you only care about yourself — why would you care to live in a democracy?”

“Empathy is the central component of a healthy and functioning democracy. That’s because democracy is based on the principle of equal representation. Empathy is necessary to understand and respect the perspectives and experiences of diverse individuals and communities.”

SOURCE: framelab.substack.com/p/george

#empathy #democracy #sharing #caring #lakoff #people #justice #society #freedom #progress #government #law

Last updated 1 year ago

Nameless · @nameless
103 followers · 460 posts · Server sociale.network

il di oggi... perché "cambiamento climatico" e non "riscaldamento globale"? (come faceva notare George le parole hanno un loro peso)... 😕


#nonmipiace #doodle #lakoff

Last updated 2 years ago

LizfromBriz · @DrLiz
668 followers · 278 posts · Server aus.social

For decades, majorities had almost always agreed with donkeys on issues and policies- while electing far more elephants.

Facing Dirty Pool on a Green Table, Can Dems at Last See Red? dailykos.com/stories/2022/12/2

"At least since 2007, psychology professor/author Daniel Gilbert has credited psychology professor/neuroscientist/pundit Drew Westen with solving the longstanding enigma of blue underachievement at the polls. That year, Dr. Westen’s landmark study The Political Brain appeared. For decades, majorities had almost always agreed with donkeys on issues and policies- while electing far more elephants.

Something was wrong. On the stump, wonk had not served Dems well. Indeed, whenever Dr. Westen heard one exult about having outstripped a foe “on policy,” he knew the blue side would lose.

On it went. In Virginia’s 2021 governor’s race, facing a slick, pseudo-moderate ever-Trumper, Terry McAuliffe needed to define Glenn Youngkin as a despot in sheep’s clothing. Instead, effectively flouting Dr. Westen, McAuliffe vowed to ride “the right policies” to Richmond.

Predictably enough, he made it as far as Palookaville.

Not for naught does The Political Brain call Dems “irrationally wedded to rationality.” In effect, it pegs Republicans as rationally hitched to hair-on-fire fear-stoking (and steeped with more method in their madness than one might want to suspect).

Dr. Westen goes so far as to see them playing chess while donkeys push checkers. He might have added, shooting pool while planning long series of shots.

Moving forward, let’s hope Dems keep in mind the political arena is not Pilgrim’s Progress. Not only may virtue go unrewarded; it may (almost literally) inherit the wind.

Take climate change. Logically, rationally, and decently, one might think the cult of “drill, baby drill” would know the jig is up. Show some shame. Moan a few mea culpas. And start to get real.

But here’s the thing. Sooner rather than later, the politics of greenhouse gassing will roil with scores of millions of climate refugees. Many can be expected to trek through Mexico- toward the border the GOP styles a welcome mat for “invaders.”

Never mind its own seditious invasion of our county’s Capitol. (Oh, well.)

More often than not, seeing is believing. During the next few campaigns, voters will see greenhouse gas-displaced throngs clamoring for entry- while GOP-licensed efflux from fossil fuels remains invisible.

That suggests the droves on our doorstep will not be blamed on reckless, habitat-ravaging tuskers; they’ll be pinned on decorous, abstemious donkeys.

So, look out. The cult that fights clean energy plays dirty pool. From Ronald ‘Trees Pollute More Than Cars’ Reagan to George W. ‘Green While Campaigning Only’ Bush to Donald “Rake And Clean” Trump to Ann “Rape The Earth” Coulter, the far right’s Earth-skewing axis of depredation must be stopped.

The sooner we make bold to escape from behind their strategically placed eight balls, the better."

#goplies #gopsellsbswell #lakoff

Last updated 2 years ago

Bryan Kam · @bryankam
871 followers · 1418 posts · Server writing.exchange
Siona · @siona
563 followers · 679 posts · Server spore.social
Bryan Kam · @bryankam
769 followers · 1234 posts · Server writing.exchange

Mostly reading the suttas on and . I have two main questions: is birth about the birth of self-view, i.e., can happen several times each day? And: does suffering develop over childhood? Looks like the answer to both might be yes. Still interested in 's , the , and listened to podcasts on and . Updated

#ReadingLog #lakoff #hume #zettelkasten #conceptualism #abelard #dependentorignation #buddhism

Last updated 2 years ago

Bryan Kam · @bryankam
769 followers · 1234 posts · Server writing.exchange

Mostly reading the suttas on and . I have two main questions: is birth about the birth of self-view, i.e., can happen several times each day? And: does suffering develop over childhood? Looks like the answer to both might be yes. Still interested in 's , the , and listened to podcasts on and

#lakoff #hume #zettelkasten #conceptualism #abelard #dependentorignation #buddhism

Last updated 2 years ago