Het was leuk bij de opnamen van Eus Boekenclub in #Burgerweeshuis #Deventer, met o.a. P.F. Thomése. Maar het allerleukste was... #Lakshmi!
#lakshmi #deventer #burgerweeshuis
Flying into #Superb_Owl Sunday like #Lakshmi on her #owl!
The Goddess Lakshmi on Her Owl Vehicle (Vahana)
West Bengal, #India, 20th century
Metal alloy resin-thread technique, a regional variation of lost-wax casting (dhokra)
17.5 × 9.5 × 9.2 cm
Philadelphia Museum of Art collection: https://philamuseum.org/collection/object/88032
#superb_owl #lakshmi #owl #india
Danke Lakshmi Thevasagayam 👍 Tiefe Verneigung.
Schaltgespräch mit #Lakshmi #Thevasagayam zur Räumung von Lützerath am 09.01.23
323K subscribers
5K views 7 days ago
Lakshmi Thevasagayam (Klimaaktivistin, Sprecherin der Initiative "#Lützerathlebt") zur anstehenden Räumung von Lützerath.
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#onelove #wef23 #davos #bildungsauftrag #fff #gerechtigkeit #climatecrisis #hanf #solutions
https://duckduckgo.com/?q=kreislaufwirtschaft+hanf&iax=images&ia=images [Bilder 😃 ]
#solutions #hanf #climatecrisis #gerechtigkeit #fff #bildungsauftrag #davos #wef23 #onelove #lutzerathlebt #thevasagayam #lakshmi
ரூபாய் நோட்டில் பிள்ளையார், லட்சுமி படத்தை போடுங்கள்! டெல்லி முதல்வரின் அடடே ஐடியா… https://patrikai.com/shri-ganesh-ji-shri-laxmi-ji-along-with-gandhi-jis-photo-on-our-fresh-currency-notes-says-delhi-cm-arvind-kejriwal/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#ArvindKejriwal #Currency #IndianRupee #Rupee #RupeeNotes #Ganesh #lakshmi @ArvindKejriwal@twitter.com
#lakshmi #Ganesh #RupeeNotes #Rupee #indianrupee #currency #arvindkejriwal