Como me quedé con ganas de más Ryan Goslin bailarín. Voy con #lalaland que no la vi en su momento
#cine #PrimeVideo
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: I Went to Canada to Watch 'Barbie' With Ryan Gosling's Family #Jezebel #niiostoseraahthompson #entertainmentculture #rachelmcadams #georgeclooney #kellybergeron #carrolseguin #avrillavigne #ryangosling #thenotebook #domtarpaper #noahgosling #mikewarner #lalaland #tomhanks #7eleven #erinfry #barbie #domtar #mendes #nelson #ashley #aisley #oscar #drive #ken #eva
#jezebel #niiostoseraahthompson #entertainmentculture #rachelmcadams #georgeclooney #kellybergeron #carrolseguin #AVrilLavigne #ryangosling #thenotebook #domtarpaper #noahgosling #mikewarner #lalaland #tomhanks #7eleven #erinfry #barbie #domtar #mendes #nelson #ashley #aisley #Oscar #drive #ken #eva
Musicals -
SingStreet hat mich komplett umgehauen. #LaLaLand war göttlich. Was ich bei "The fools who dream" Rotz und Wasser geheult hab.
#GameTwo #Musical - Geschichte der Videospiele reiht sich hier so fresch wie originell virtuos ein !! 1!
Was ein Kunstwerk 🙃🙏
Mac Studio, la workstation compatta di Apple che non fa rimpiangere nulla
#20luglio #lalaland
Carta per la spesa “Dedicata a te”: parte la distribuzione nel mese di luglio
#20luglio #lalaland
Road trip to LA, baby! 🕺 Me and my heartbreak host JonBlow ain't nothin' but hound dogs cruisin' down Route66! 🚘 GOT to see that #LaLaLand snapdoodle together! You know nothing about groovin', Jon! 🎶🏙️#ElvisBitlyInTheBuilding #WinterIsHere #CityOfStars #BitBook
#lalaland #elvisbitlyinthebuilding #winterishere #cityofstars #bitbook
Hace un par de días volví a ver #LaLaLand #LaCiudadDeLasEstrellas.
Qué película más bonita; para mí es perfecta.
#lalaland #laciudaddelasestrellas
Audition (The Fools Who Dream)
#Audition(thefoolswhodream) #EmmaStone #LALALAND #エマ・ストーン #エマストーン #ラ・ラ・ランド #ララランド
#audition #emmastone #lalaland #エマ・ストーン #エマストーン #ラ・ラ・ランド #ララランド
Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone | La La Land | Funny Moments 2017
#2017 #Andrew #ARMS #behind #broke #CARPET #chazelle #CONAN #crazy #damien #dance #Dancing #emma #Fallon #funny #gangster #Garfield #globes #Golden #gosling #Graham #interview #Jimmy #justdenise #LALALAND #Laughing #LOVE #moments #Nominations #Norton #oscar #Oscars #part #Press #red #Ryan #scenes #sing #singing #Speech #SQUAD #STONE #Stupid #win #Young #エマ・ストーン
#andrew #arms #behind #broke #carpet #chazelle #conan #crazy #damien #dance #dancing #emma #fallon #funny #gangster #garfield #globes #golden #gosling #graham #interview #jimmy #justdenise #lalaland #laughing #love #moments #nominations #norton #oscar #oscars #part #press #red #ryan #scenes #sing #singing #speech #squad #stone #stupid #win #young #エマ・ストーン
- Mood -
i fantasize
it’s true
i want to
don’t you
Also, I'm puzzled by this part
"the pretentious who make unwatchable movies such as Everything Everywhere, or #LaLaLand, or #ThePowerOfTheDog. All of them mediocre films rewarded for politics not talent."
I haven't seen the other two, but from what I do know, I cannot think what they all have in common, besides" This lady in particular hates them" 🤷♂️
Someone's got an axe to grind, is all i can guess
[和訳] Taylor Swift – All Too Well(10 minute ver.
#10minuteversion #Alltowell #Edit #Film #LALALAND #lovestory #MiA #movie #MV #PV #red #SEB #Taylor #TaylorSwift #taylor’sversion #Theirstory #video #オールトゥウェル #セブ #テイラー #テイラー・スウィフト #テイラースウィフト #ミア #ミュージックビデオ #ララランド #レッド #和訳 #失恋 #失恋ソング #字幕 #日本語 #歌詞 #泣ける #洋楽 #洋画 #編集
#lalaland #lovestory #movie #mv #pv #seb #taylor #edit #字幕 #Alltowell #Theirstory #video #編集 #film #red #テイラー #ミア #ミュージックビデオ #洋楽 #10minuteversion #失恋 #失恋ソング #洋画 #mia #taylorswift #オールトゥウェル #セブ #テイラースウィフト #ララランド #レッド #和訳 #日本語 #歌詞 #泣ける
La La Land – “Audition (the fools who dream)” scene
#Audition(thefoolswhodream) #LALALAND #MyauntusedtoliveinParis #エマ・ストーン
#MyauntusedtoliveinParis #audition #lalaland #エマ
Il film vincitore dell’Oscar La La Land sta per essere trasformato in un musical di Broadway. Secondo Entertainment Weekly, il film di Damien Chazelle del 2016 è stato adattato in un musical da Lionsgate e Marc Platt. Il musical sarà diretto da Bartlett Sher su un libro scritto dai drammaturghi Ayad...
#08Febbraio #CulturaeSocietà #News #lalaland #musical
#musical #lalaland #news #culturaesocieta #08febbraio
Oscar-Winning Movie LA LA LAND Will Be Getting the Broadway Musical Treatment
#filmbook #movienews #lalaland #lionsgate
Yay, endlich habe ich den limitierten #DRACULA 🧛🏻♂️ Complete Soundtrack auf 3 CD (76 Tracks) von Wojciech Kilar #lalaland #music
Wer reinhören möchte:
Wer kaufen möchte, ich empfehle ganz herzlich Chris Soundtrack Corner:
Today, January 25, aspiring actress Mia Dolan gets stuck in traffic, has a rough day at work, goes to an audition with a rude casting director, and gets her car towed (La La Land, 2016)
#Film #Movies #FilmMastodon #LaLaLand #Hollywood #EmmaStone #RyanGosling #Letterboxd #TodayOnScreen
#film #movies #FilmMastodon #lalaland #hollywood #emmastone #ryangosling #letterboxd #todayonscreen
#NewReleases - #GuidedByVoices - #LaLaLand (2023-01-20). Once the ironic jesters of 90s alt rock, with lo-fi music recorded on 4-track Portastudios, GBV were the band my brother and me rushed from the main stage to the tent at the 95 Reading Festival to catch. Three decades later, it’s the same sound except with normal length songs and an “improved” fidelity. If you're a fan, you'll like it. Now I'm off to spin Alien Lanes (again).
#GreatAlbums, #Music, #MusicReviews, #Rock, #AlternativeRock
#alternativerock #rock #MusicReviews #Music #greatalbums #lalaland #guidedbyvoices #newreleases