Deploying Python Lambda Functions With Layers Using TypeScript CDK
#aws #cdk #typescript #python #lambda
Нарешті закінчив з автоматичними повідомленнями про старт деплою в #AWS #ElasticBeanstalk. Клієнт постійно питає: чому щось не працює, а виявляється, що кожен раз іде деплой від розробників, про який ніхто не знає. Звʼязка получилась така:
#EventBridge -> #SNS Topic -> #Lambda, а далі через визов на #Slack вебхук, щоб сповістити канал про старт деплоя.
К досвіду додався ще один сервіс, з яким раніше не працював (EventBridge)
#aws #elasticbeanstalk #eventbridge #sns #lambda #slack
The #FreeBSD OS boots on #Firecracker (the virtual machine monitor VMM behind #AWS #Lambda) in... 20 ms.
The story behind:
#freebsd #Firecracker #aws #lambda
Anyone building multi-arch #AWS #Lambda #layers for x86_64 and arm64: is there a better/more-idiomatic runtime switch than this, when one has a pair of single-arch binaries?
-- /opt/bin/foo-cmd --
exec "foo-cmd-$(uname -m)" "$@"
I've looked into fat binaries, but they're seemingly Not A Thing under Linux.
I've not yet found a dedicated C project that's able to build a fat (yet tiny!) binary switcher, but I suspect one might be possible.
Any thoughts or experience? #serverless
#aws #lambda #layers #serverless
An unexpected day off tomorrow, means I'll be working on a couple of #cuelang side projects: using #CUE inside #AWS #Lambda, and advancing the state of the #Cueniform tool for creating #Terraform configurations in CUE.
Ping me if you're interested in chatting about either!
#cuelang #cue #aws #lambda #cueniform #terraform
Does anyone know (or could point to) the theoretical or practical limit on the number of deployed #AWS #Lambda functions that an account can contain? I can't see the question answered anywhere.
Not concurrent executions; not provisioned capacity; not create-function-requests-per-second; not function versions ... but the number of uniquely named functions that can be deployed, possibly sitting unused, ready to be invoked, in an AWS account ... 🤔 #serverless
I feel like @cosmician is turning to the dark side of Math which is lambda calculus.
#math #mathematics #lambda #calculus #lambda_calculus
I still see the odd #Lambda around, here and there, from time to time.
The longest-running #LGBT radio show in #Dallas (the US?) is #LambdaWeekly. #LambdaLegal was important to the #US Marriage Equality fight. The #LambdaLiteraryReview is still out there reviewing #Queer books. Etc…
But yeah, for the most part, at least in my little corner of the universe, it’s been eclipsed by other symbols, such as rainbows and pink triangles.
#lambda #lgbt #dallas #lambdaweekly #LambdaLegal #us #lambdaliteraryreview #queer
In the 1970s, there was an effort to make the Greek letter lambda the symbol of gay liberation. “Universally recognized" is overselling it quite a bit – it was known in some circles, mostly in the USA.
#vintageAd #gay #lambda
Serverless FrameworkとDockerでLambda環境を構築する
#qiita #Node_js #Docker #lambda #ServerlessFramework #運動通信社
#qiita #node_js #docker #lambda #serverlessframework #運動通信社
Put together an annotated more complete multi binary AWS sam example which is closer to my standard Go project structure. This deploys to provided.al2 runtime using arm64, and custom compile flags to trim down the binary. #aws #lambda #golang
It worries me that the solution to a segfault in Python imports may be "import it in an arbitrary class that ensures it happens earlier".
That feels like it's just masking a problem, and it's going to crop up later!
#aws #lambda #debugging #python
AHAH! If I import s3transfer earlier then it DOESN'T segfault.
That doesn't help me work out WHY it fails, but *might* give me a work around (unless whatever it's conflicting with just causes issues later instead!)
#python #debugging #aws #lambda