Bogi Takács · @bogiperson
1874 followers · 1562 posts · Server

@bookstodon The list of finalists for the Lambda Awards is out! I'm glad to see that Our Wives Under the Sea made it on there, as well as How Far the Light Reaches, Virology, The Book Eaters, and Into the Riverlands, which are all in my TBR. The other nominees look interesting too so I'm going to be adding to my TBR for sure.

#lgbtqia #lammys #lambdaawards

Last updated 2 years ago

Bogi Takács · @bogiperson
1746 followers · 1244 posts · Server

I was also happy to see a book I blurbed recognized in a different category! All the Hometowns You Can't Stay Away From by @IzzyXen :) Congrats Izzy!!!

I said that it "contains many stories that deal with heart- and gut-wrenching destruction and loss, but this makes the shards of hope gleam all the brighter."

And this is how to buy a copy:
(Also an Amazon associate link)

@shortsff @shortstory

#sff #queer #trans #shortstories #translit #transwriters #lambdaawards

Last updated 2 years ago