Elysia Macht · @ElysiaMacht
216 followers · 27818 posts · Server retro.pizza

Elle avait des yeux, des yeux d'opale
Qui me fascinaient, qui me fascinaient
Y avait l'ovale de son visage pâle
De femme fatale qui m'fut fatal
De femme fatale qui m'fut fatal
On s'est connu, on s'est reconnu
On s'est perdu de vue, on s'est r'perdu d'vue
On s'est retrouvé, on s'est réchauffé
Puis on s'est séparé
Chacun pour soi est reparti
Dans l'tourbillon de la vie...

Suddenly, a very French turn, with Marie + more.



Last updated 1 year ago

Soundtracks de Star Wars · @soundtracksstarwars
25 followers · 449 posts · Server mas.to

El 3 de agosto de 1958 nace el actor Lambert Wilson, Jon en el corto The Spy Dancer de Star Wars: Visions Volume 2.

On August 3, 1958, Lambert Wilson, Jon in the short The Spy Dancer from Star Wars: Visions Volume 2, was born.

#thespydancer #lambertwilson #starwars

Last updated 1 year ago

tv+news · all things tv+ · @tvPlusNews
627 followers · 777 posts · Server mstdn.social

has ordered , a new French drama starring .

The series takes a behind-the-curtain look at how a family dynasty of an iconic fashion house is thrown into scandal and reinvention by a viral video featuring star designer Vincent LeDu (Wilson), leaving his family’s legendary haute couture house hanging by a thread.


#lambertwilson #lamaison #appletvplus

Last updated 1 year ago

Fandom ShipBot · @ShipperBot
0 followers · 1960 posts · Server botsin.space

We just need Seraph and Merovingian from The Matrix to kiss.

#matrix #thematrix #seraph #collinchou #merovingian #lambertwilson

Last updated 1 year ago

Elysia Macht · @ElysiaMacht
216 followers · 25153 posts · Server retro.pizza

How charming. I was watching the auto-generated French lyrics of 's Loin abum, and toward the end of it for some 3-4 songs it got enhanced by lovely bird song carried in through my open window.

As soon as the album finished, the bird went silent, as if having sung in response to him. Now trying to lure more song, it starting again when I finally jumped to Nous Deux.

Only a +24 C day as well so even the temperature suits the atmosphere of the album.


Last updated 1 year ago

Elysia Macht · @ElysiaMacht
216 followers · 25024 posts · Server retro.pizza

Lambert Wilson singing Le Tourbillon takes me back. It was 1 of my favourites off that album of his, so check out that + e.g. Nous Deux off a later album of his if curious about his singing.

The Merovingian to most of you.

Saw his concerts in 2004 + 2005, 3 caught both years. Unfortunately no chance to get to France since, nor able to keep up with news about him. But the tourbillon of life turns still, so to speak, so maybe some day again.



Last updated 1 year ago

Classic Movies Today · @classicmovies
93 followers · 456 posts · Server botsin.space

35 years ago:
The Possessed (FR)
Original title: Les Possédés
Russia, 1870. A group of young anarchist revolutionaries set out to overthrow the Czarist regime through violence. Their attacks create a climate of psychosis and mutual distrust among the population, but in reality, both revolutionaries and repressors are being manipulated by a diabolical individua...

#thepossessed #isabellehuppert #omarsharif #lambertwilson #halinaprugarketling

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
385 followers · 1703 posts · Server universeodon.com

Young aspiring stage actress Nina walks into a real estate agency. So starts Rendez-vous, starring baby Juliette Binoche. A bizaare love triangle ensues between Nina, love sick puppy dog Paulot and his charismatic actor roommate Quentin. There would be obsession, emotional outbursts and a suicide.
Enter Quentin's mentor Scrutzler (Jean-Louis Trintignant), a theater director. Nina auditions for the part of Juliette. Once she gets the part, she is having a hard time. How would she know to play the role if she's never been in love? Quentin's ghost haunts her. Rendez-vous, an Assayas scripted film, later a basis for Clouds of Sils Maria, is a beautiful 80s film about passion. It's also about youth. It sounds like bullshit but in order to be great at whatever you do, you need to experience passionate love. Binoche looks so innocent in this great, breakout role. Top tier Techiné for sure.

#andretechine #lambertwilson #rendezvousfilm #film #80sfilm #jeanlouistrintignant

Last updated 2 years ago

Classic Movies Today · @classicmovies
16 followers · 207 posts · Server botsin.space

34 years ago:
La Vouivre (FR)
Arsène Muselier returns to his home village at the end of the First World War. His only injury is a head wound, which sometimes provokes periods of delirium and fury. As he renews his acquaintance with the people he left behind - his mother, the old farmhand who brought him up after his father's dea...

#lavouivre #lambertwilson #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
303 followers · 1076 posts · Server universeodon.com

As usual, Zulawski creates another manic, emotionally charged, over the top melodrama where he pushes his heroine to the brink of insanity. Baby faced bares it all as an actress whose 'acting' bleeds in to reality. 's amazing as the mad genius and 's intensity betrays his wispy, melancholic features. The film's energetic, 'revolution is in the air' mood is created by Sacha Vierny's fast moving, virtuosic cinematography.

#valeriekaprisky #francishuster #lambertwilson #publicwoman #andrejzulawski

Last updated 2 years ago

Danmc2 · @danmcginn
7 followers · 70 posts · Server mastodon.world

I DREAMED A DREAM: Anthony Fabian's 'Mrs Harris Goes To Paris' may be light in tone but it features a belter of a lead performance by Lesley Manville. As Pomona continues its mop up of 2022 movies, discover why we enjoyed the film costarring Isabelle Huppert, Ellen Thomas & Jason Isaacs.. pomonarewind.blogspot.com/2022

#cinema #london #Paris #movies #fashion #ChristianDior #film #france #england #postwar #lesleymanville #paulgallico #isabellehuppert #JasonIsaacs #ellenthomas #lambertwilson

Last updated 2 years ago

Elysia Macht · @ElysiaMacht
122 followers · 6600 posts · Server retro.pizza

Fast Show & Jesse's This Week voice: "Today I have been mostly discussing women's orgasms."

'Today' I have also mostly been wearing what the Merovingian does, because we're like that. 🤞 I met a few times in 2004 + 2005 during his concert tours, tho couldn't find the pics from the second year.

Had no idea he'd also be wearing pinstripes ofc. Just the expensive version. GMTA. 😘

My t-shirt is all extra.

#lambertwilson #decepticon #TheMatrix

Last updated 2 years ago

Elysia Macht · @ElysiaMacht
15 followers · 261 posts · Server retro.pizza
FunambuleFragile · @FunambuleFragile
125 followers · 411 posts · Server mamot.fr

J'aimais bien il y a peu, en tant qu'.
Sa prise de position aux m'a fait changer d'avis.
Mais là, depuis ce matin il y a des extraits du sur qui passent à la : rien qu'à la voix, on sait qu'il joue mal, en fait.

#radio #degaulle #biopic #césars #acteur #lambertwilson

Last updated 5 years ago