All Aboard!
"Trilogy Excursions celebrates 50 years with dolphin, whale sightings, exclusive Lanai sailings and Mom Coon’s world-famous cinnamon buns." #Maui #Lanai #Hawaii
The Magical Nai‘a of Lāna‘i
"Peer into the world of Lāna‘i’s spinner dolphins through the eyes of a marine naturalist. " #hawaii #lanai
🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Wikipedia anglophone ?
1. ChatGPT #Chatgpt
2. Drake Bell #DrakeBell
3. Lanai #Lanai
Goodnight Maui #sunset #Hawaii #Maui #SunsetPhotography #Photography #Lanai
#sunset #hawaii #maui #sunsetphotography #photography #lanai
Chillin #Maui #Hawaii #Photography #Lanai
#maui #hawaii #photography #lanai
Snapdragon 8 Gen 3: Kommt Qualcomms nächster Top-Chip früher? #Snapdragon8Gen3 #Lanai #Qualcomm #Launch #Smartphone #CPU,134699.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
#snapdragon8gen3 #lanai #qualcomm #launch #smartphone #cpu
Island Style Cruisin´ │ LOVEFM
#radiko #Lanai #MUSIC #Hawaii #IslandSound #ハワイ #ホノルル
#radiko #lanai #music #hawaii #islandsound #ハワイ #ホノルル
I am surprised to learn that Larry Ellison (#Oracle co-founder) owns 98% (‼️) of #Lanai island in #Hawaii! How‽
#LarryEllison also helped #ElonMusk buy #Twitter via a billion-dollar loan.
I think @silverspookgames mentioned Ellison before (searching my past posts about this).
#oracle #lanai #hawaii #larryellison #ElonMusk #twitter
Love international #cinema & #anime. Too much #bittorrent (hi, #passthepopcorn, #broadcasthenet, #animebytes, #u2, #redacted, #ggn, #emp, & refugees of #whatcd); bit over 100TB usable on #zfs, with ~35TB seeding.
Mostly use #freebsd or #linux with #openzfs. Also a fan of #illumos; kept an eye on it and #smartos since the Anschluss (to the ppl of #Lanai, I stand with you; no lawnmower emoji yet 🚜 is the best I can do).
(P.S. @bcantrill Sun is alive, in some form, in the labs of #Siberia)
#cinema #anime #bittorrent #passthepopcorn #broadcasthenet #animebytes #U2 #redacted #ggn #emp #whatcd #zfs #freebsd #linux #openzfs #illumos #SmartOS #lanai #siberia
#Googles mysteriöse #CPU-Architektur nachgebaut.
Für interne Zwecke pflegt Google eine eigene CPU-Architektur. Ein Entwickler hat nun aus bekannten Informationen dazu einen CPU-Kern gebaut. ...