#TV I didn't realize #MyAdventuresWithSuperman's #LoisLane was #Korean until co-producer #JosieCampbell confirmed it: https://boundingintocomics.com/2023/07/25/executive-producer-josie-campbell-reveals-lois-lane-race-swapped-to-korean-in-my-adventures-with-superman/ I'm fine w/ the race swap, as has been done w/ ##LanaLang on #Smallville (#Dutch #Chinese #KristinKreuk), #PerryWhite, and #JimmyOlsen. Alien #ClarkKent being attracted to non-Caucasian humans highlights his admiration for all humanity.
#tv #myadventureswithsuperman #loislane #korean #josiecampbell #lanalang #smallville #dutch #chinese #kristinkreuk #perrywhite #jimmyolsen #clarkkent
July17th is the official birthday of #Superman's red-headed high school crush and childhood friend from #Smallville.
#SupermanTAS #Superman #SupermanIII #AnnetteOToole #EmmanuelleChriqui #MOS #DCAU #DCU #DCEU #TheCW #JoelyFisher #SupermanAndLois #SupermanTheAnimatedSeries
#happybirthday #lanalang #superman #smallville #supermantas #supermaniii #annetteotoole #emmanuellechriqui #mos #dcau #dcu #dceu #thecw #joelyfisher #supermanandlois #supermantheanimatedseries
It's time for a new hero to be born. Lana Lang throws off her coccon and spreads her wings as Insect Queen. It's all in Superboy 124. This is on fun little story by Otto Binder and George Papp. I hope you aren't inscectphobic. Then it't time for a double wedding in Adventure Comics 337.
#LegionofSuperHeroes #Superboy #ClarkKent #LanaLang #InsectQueen #Smallville #BrainiacFive #SaturnGirl
#LegionofSuperHeroes #superboy #clarkkent #lanalang #insectqueen #Smallville #brainiacfive #saturngirl