This sentence from #Lanark:
"When the sky had grown altogether black he stopped, rested up a close mouth to recover his breath, then trudged back to the tramstop at the cross."
#vendredilecture toujours en Écosse, aujourd’hui à Glasgow où il y a quarante ans que l’écrivain-peintre #AlasdairGray avait l’habitude de payer pour ses repas au #UbiquitousChip en couvrant les murs de la cage d’escalier au fond de l’établissement de décorations et portraits de sa clientèle et de ses employé·es des années ~1979. C’était avant la publication du chef-d’œuvre #Lanark et de son modeste succès commercial, et Gray était encore souvent raide au point de n’avoir rien à bouffer. 1/2
#vendredilecture #alasdairgray #ubiquitouschip #lanark
The Cullerlie Stone Circle near Echt, particularly fascinating because it doesn't fit the usual pattern of origin and purpose found across the many other stone circles in Aberdeenshire. More pics and info:
#Scotland #NewLanark #Lanark #Lanarkshire #Mill #WorldHeritageSite #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #worldheritagesite #mill #Lanarkshire #lanark #newlanark #scotland
The amazing New Lanark World Heritage Site. This historic mill complex and village was built from 1785 in a previously inaccessible gorge of the River Clyde, a mile south-west of Lanark. The cotton mills here operated until 1968. More pics and info:
#Scotland #NewLanark #Lanark #Lanarkshire #Mill #WorldHeritageSite #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #worldheritagesite #mill #Lanarkshire #lanark #newlanark #scotland
#LanarkLoch partially frozen this morning. It’ll be completely solid by the end of the week considering the temperatures we’ve had forecast.
Beautiful bright day for a wee daunder around the Loch though.
Bitter cauld mind you. Possum wool gloves got their first outing of the season. #meander #Lanark #BitterCauld #Scotland #Lanarkshire
#Lanarkshire #scotland #bittercauld #lanark #meander #lanarkloch
Maybe i should have started with an #introduction !
Born in #Belfast, adopted by #Glasgow and about to move to #Lanark
Recently #ordained as a #minister in the #ChurchofScotland, I am Assistant #chaplain at a #Christian #Retreat Centre:
@braeheadhouse on Insta.
Constantly trying (and failing) to reduce our carbon #footprints
Oh, and #cats. Lots & lots of cat content
#cats #footprints #socialist #retreat #christian #chaplain #ChurchofScotland #minister #ordained #lanark #glasgow #belfast #introduction
#introduction Hello I’m Mike. Live in the #lanark area although originally from the North East of England. Pro #scottishindependence and despise the Tories. Passionate about #socialjustice and building a fairer, more equal society in #scotland with properly funded public services. Advocate for publicly owned #publictransport. Enjoys exploring the great outdoors of our wonderful wee country with my partner and dog, Kez.
#publictransport #scotland #socialjustice #scottishindependence #lanark #introduction