I'm #Lancastrian, originally, and when I was younger it used to take my mum ages to get to the end of the street. It's in my blood.
I love living where I do.
Everywhere I go, people are willing to chat - you don't have to know them, you only need to have a common point of contact to instigate a conversation - to a lady sitting on a bench looking over a frosty lake full of ducks "It's lovely, isn't it?" and ten minutes of chatting later you move along again. It's nice.
Despite being #Lancastrian born and bred, with a #Glaswegian ancestry (amongst others!) I don't JUST come here for a good argument ... !
I do like the photos, the thoughts, the discussions, the memes ... and the sheer friendly support ... of this little community.
Happy #LancashireDay! THE day to celebrate Historic Lancashire, its people and its places. 🌹
#proudlancastrian #lancastrian #lancashire #lancashireday