Troisième en cours...
#dedicace #lancelot #bic #MastoArt #mastoartist
#dedicace #lancelot #bic #MastoArt #mastoartist
Et de deux.
Dédicace au bic.
@ Istin, Alexe, Soleil 2023.
#MastoArt #mastoartist
#lancelot #MastoArt #mastoartist
#Lancelot always enjoys it when a new case of printer paper arrives. #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday
#lancelot #catsofmastodon #caturday
"Sir Lancelot was a true metal fan inside and outside." ⚔️🛡️🤘
#art #artwork #sketch #doodle #drawing #inking #illustration #cartoon #cartoonists #cartoonillustration #comics #comicstrip #gagcomic #gagcartoons #digitalart #conceptsapp #knight #knightsoftheroundtable #lancelot #metal #metalmusic #concert #Funny #MastoArt
#MastoArt #Funny #concert #metalmusic #Metal #lancelot #knightsoftheroundtable #knight #ConceptsApp #DigitalArt #gagcartoons #gagcomic #comicstrip #Comics #cartoonillustration #cartoonists #Cartoon #Illustration #inking #Drawing #doodle #Sketch #Artwork #Art
Every year, on the #SummerSolstice I think about this scene from the #Kaamelott series.
Well, I think about it pretty much all year round, but especially when the solstice comes.
#summersolstice #kaamelott #camelot #lancelot #maleagant
@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon omg my #Lancelot is your cat's brother from another mother. #caturday
一誠さん,Happy Birthday👏🎉🎊ワンダフルな1年を‼️
A question to which I couldn't find an answer.
In modern #Arthuriana, does anyone know who's the first writer to introduce the idea of #Lancelot as a bisexual man? I know that Marion Zimmer Bradley does it, but was she the first? If she wasn't, do you have any idea who does it before her?
Please note, I'm looking for fiction published after the mid 19th century.
#fantasy #bisexuality #Arthur #RoundTable
#Arthuriana #lancelot #fantasy #bisexuality #arthur #roundtable
1. My missing sock turned up folded into a bedsheet, restoring my perfect record of He Who Does Not Lose Socks In The Laundry and thereby restoring balance to the universe.
2. My wife made an absolutely fabulous #Shabbat dinner this week which we both enjoyed immensely (salmon, baby asparagus, and astoundingly good baby potatoes).
3. The boys are cutely coexisting peacefully today. #Merlin #Lancelot #CatsOfMastodon
#3goodthings #shabbat #merlin #lancelot #catsofmastodon
With enough practice. Maybe one day he can perform under a bridge. What a sweet gig!
#jollybiscuit #fantasy #kingarthur #knights #lancelot #troll #ogre #riddle #jokes #curse #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrip
#jollybiscuit #fantasy #kingarthur #knights #lancelot #troll #ogre #riddle #jokes #Curse #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrip
The boys are helping fold the laundry. #Merlin #Lancelot #CatsOfMastodon
#merlin #lancelot #catsofmastodon
I’m quite pleased at finishing Le Morte D’Arthur before returning to The Once and Future King. So much of it really is expanded and in between Mallory’s text. She in the following quote is Nimue.
‘Than she and Merlyon wente over the see unto the londe of Benwyke there as Kyng Ban was kyng, that had grete warre ayenste Kyng Claudas.
#Arthuriana #LeMorteDArthur #MiddleEnglish #Lancelot #Merlin #THWhite #TheOnceAndFutureKing #MiddleEnglish #Literature
#arthuriana #lemortedarthur #middleenglish #lancelot #merlin #thwhite #theonceandfutureking #literature
For tyme hath bene, my lorde Arthur, that ye were gretly pleased with me whan I ded batayle for my lady, youre Quene: and full well ye know, my moste noble Kynge, that she hathe be put to grete wronge or thys tyme. And sytthyn hyt pleased you at many tymys that I shulde feyght for her, therefore mesemyth, my good lorde, I had more cause to rescow her from the fyer whan she sholde have ben brente for my sake.”
Lancelot is the patron Saint of Gaslighting.
#lancelot #lemortedarthur #arthuriana
“A, myne uncle Kynge Arthur, my good brothir Sir Gareth ys slayne, and so ys my brothir Sir Gaherys, whych were two noble knyghtes.” [seyde Sir Gawayne]
Apparently while both his brothers are noble, he definitely loved Gareth best. There are three lines that emphasize how much this is so.
Getting into the end game, Lancelot has killed forty knights in two days.
#Arthuriana #LeMorteDArthur #MiddleEnglish #Literature #Gawain #Lancelot #JustKnightlyThings
#arthuriana #lemortedarthur #middleenglish #literature #gawain #lancelot #justknightlythings
However, Lady Elaine arranges her funeral barge to be sent to London so all court will know her death was due to Lancelot’s refusal. Not that he owed her anything, but so it goes with knightly love.
Second tourney Lancelot bears the Queen’s favor, but this time pretends to be a Saracen. He really likes beating up his fellow around Table Knights.
#Arthuriana #Lancelot #LeMorteDArthur #MiddleEnglish #Literature #JustKnightlyThings
#justknightlythings #literature #middleenglish #lemortedarthur #lancelot #arthuriana
I finished Book 18 of Le Morte D’Arthur. I’m on track to complete it by the end of the year. This last book highlights two tournaments Sir Lancelot participated in. Both times disguised. The first he bears the token of Lady Elaine of Astolot, much to the jealous ire of Queen Guinevere.
While he recovers from wounds Elaine is at his side every day. But after he’s better she asks him to marry her and he says sod off. So she refuses to eat and dies.
#lemortedarthur #lancelot #arthuriana