#ChristianNationalist #LanceWallnau to Target 17 Counties ‘Where Demonic Strongholds Have Corrupt Control Over the #Voting’
#christiannationalist #lancewallnau #voting
Christian Evangelical Preacher Prays That People …
... Who Support Indictment of Trump Experience ‘Sudden Deaths’ ‼️
Nu††er WA†CH
Self-proclaimed “prophet” and Christian nationalist Lance Wallnau posted a livestream from Israel on his Facebook page this Easter Sunday where he warned that God will start killing political figures as revenge for the indictment o
#Religion-Superstition #LanceWallnau
RT @ebandml@twitter.com
@davehoag@twitter.com @bigstape@twitter.com @politicalwire@twitter.com Mastriano's official campaign prophet Lance Wallnau (I am not making this up) foresaw Doug's victory - ordained by God.
The Bible stipulates a pretty severe penalty for "false prophets"
Deuteronomy 18:20-22
Hey, wasn't Doug espousing biblical law?
#mastrianoloserpa #lancewallnau