In Varanasi, Occupants of Iconic Gandhian Institution Thrown Out, Land Taken Over
The fact that the land legally belonged to the Akhil Bharat Sarva Seva Sangh, founded by Vinoba Bhave in 1948, was just a minor irritant for the powers that be.
#UttarPradesh #varanasi #AkhilBharatSarvaSevaSangh #ABSSS #gandhism #UPGovt #IndianRailways #LandGrab #BJP #hindutva #india
#uttarpradesh #varanasi #akhilbharatsarvasevasangh #absss #gandhism #upgovt #indianrailways #landGrab #BJP #hindutva #india
Solidarity Campaign for the Freedom and Defense of Puente Madera
Call for solidarity with the Binnizá community of Puente Madera, San Blas Atempa, Oaxaca, facing state repression for the defense of their communal lands. On July 20, 2023, another court hearing will be held in the case of our compañero, David Hernández Salazar. He has been accused of several fabricated crimes seeking to imprison him and halt his work as representative and spokesperson for the Indigenous Binnizá community of Puente Madera. In the same legal file are seventeen others from the community, all with fabricated crimes and arrest warrants.
#solidarity #Oaxaca #20July2023 #indigenous #landgrab #gentrification
#solidarity #oaxaca #20july2023 #indigenous #landGrab #gentrification
Karnataka Farmers From 17 Villages Displaced For Residential Project: Farms Razed, Compensation Under Colonial-Era Law
On the outskirts of Bengaluru, a sprawling residential project is displacing farmers, pastoralists and residents across 17 villages. Dozens of farms belonging to small-land-holding farmers have been bulldozed, without payment of fair compensation using a colonial 1894 law instead of its 2013 replacement.
#karnataka #farmers #agriculture #displacement #business #evictions #bulldozers #BDA #LandGrab #KarnatakaGovt #CivilRights #BJP #india
#karnataka #farmers #agriculture #displacement #business #evictions #Bulldozers #bda #landGrab #karnatakagovt #civilrights #BJP #india
At A Time Of Economic Distress, J&K Land Eviction Drive Imperils Livelihoods
Traders. Scrap dealerships. Apple farmers. Hoteliers. Hundreds in diverse professions have seen their land—from high, rural pastures to city shopping complexes—seized and properties demolished, after Jammu and Kashmir was reduced to a union territory in August 2019. The rights to many of these lands were provided by previous state governments, some were gifted by erstwhile monarchy, others were encroached.
#kashmir #jammu #LandEviction #evictions #demolitions #displacement #LandGrab #SriNagar #anantnag #SMC #JKgovt #JKpolice #muslims #article370abrogation #HumanRights #CivilRights #india
#kashmir #jammu #landeviction #evictions #demolitions #displacement #landGrab #srinagar #anantnag #SMC #jkgovt #jkpolice #muslims #article370abrogation #humanrights #civilrights #india
Modi’s Final Assault on India’s Press Freedom Has Begun
The rest of India may end up looking a lot like Kashmir.
(NYT guest column by Anuradha Bhasin)
#kashmir #PressFreedom #NarendraModi #modi #BJP #TheKashmirTimes #media #democracy #militarisation #LandGrab #HumanRights #CivilRights #authoritarianism #article370abrogation #india
#kashmir #pressfreedom #narendramodi #modi #BJP #thekashmirtimes #media #democracy #militarisation #landGrab #humanrights #civilrights #authoritarianism #article370abrogation #india
@RickiTarr of course what they really wanted was to kick out the people who had lived there for thousands of years, using the land responsibility, so that white Christian settlers could divide up, fence, and farm the very rich soil (of course destroying it and the ecological community depending upon it in the process). But hey, that’s “Progress”, right?
#LandGrab #NativeAmericans #ManifestDestiny #Genocide #Oregon #History #SoilErosion #Development #Progress #DustBowl
#dustbowl #progress #development #soilerosion #history #oregon #genocide #manifestdestiny #nativeamericans #landGrab
Behold the level of insanity we are expected to take SERIOUSLY:
Global white supremacy cult: How the South African
radical Right bolsters US extremism
#SouthAfricaGenocide #WhiteGenocide #BoerGenocide #LandGrab #FarmMurder #ItsOkayToBeWhite #WhitePride #GodWillsIt #DeusVult #KillTheFarmer #WhiteGuilt
#whiteguilt #KillTheFarmer #deusvult #GodWillsIt #whitepride #ItsOkayToBeWhite #FarmMurder #landGrab #Boergenocide #whitegenocide #SouthAfricaGenocide
They say:
> "Building vibrant, sustainable #communities".
What we get:
> Multi-story shoebox dwellings that could collapse, are hot, crowded, induce #mentalIllness especially in #children.
Sustainable – for whom?
#vibrancy #communityWashing #propertyCouncil #builders #bigConstruction #construction #realEstate #speculation #landGrab #artistsImpressions #greenWashing #sustainable #banks #doingGodsWork #privateEquity #rentseekers #gentrifiers #gentrification #overdevelopment #bitcoinFixesThis
#artistsImpressions #communities #mentalillness #children #vibrancy #communitywashing #PropertyCouncil #builders #BigConstruction #construction #realestate #speculation #landGrab #greenwashing #sustainable #banks #doingGodsWork #privateequity #rentseekers #gentrifiers #gentrification #overdevelopment #bitcoinfixesthis
Quite right. Home to roost.
Having said that, they seem to trade in equally bad #proxyWars. China have surplus men from #oneChildPolicy, and west seem willing to off #Trump/#Brexit-type voters, and #SouthAmerica has stuff.
Re #homeToRoost, we were talking to a young adult recently about #Israel genocide and #landGrab from #Palestinians. They said, beating chest, "I don't watch the news, I do my own thing," Something to that effect.
All we said was, these things come full circle.
#southamerica #homeToRoost #israel #landGrab #palestinians #proxyWars #oneChildPolicy #trump
"Open space?! What the hell,
That's a prime location for my COVID hotel"
#landGrab #DisasterCapitalism #airBNB #openSpace #cronyCapitalism #cronyism #kleptocracy #privateEquity #financialisation #financialism #deracination #humanFilingCabinet #prison2p0
#landGrab #disastercapitalism #airbnb #openspace #cronycapitalism #cronyism #kleptocracy #privateequity #financialisation #financialism #deracination #humanFilingCabinet #prison2p0
Back at home, here are some refugees we prepared earlier.
Murdoch Press love putting the allegedly successful #refugee on full display, "look how well tamed we've been able to make this one," is the overall subtext.
#racism #bds #landGrab #mowingTheLawn #palestine #refugeeProduction #boycottUSD #whyBitcoin #boycottCorporateMedia
#refugee #racism #bds #landGrab #mowingTheLawn #palestine #refugeeProduction #BoycottUSD #whyBitcoin #boycottCorporateMedia
Gaza media outlets #AssociatedPress and #AlJazeera buildings destroyed by #Israel.
The media building labelled "#TerrorTower" by the #genocidal leader of the #Israeli regime.
#landGrab #cancer #growthIdeology #Gaza #waste #BDS #BDS2SavePalestine #bookBurning #naziIsrael #ramadan
#associatedpress #aljazeera #israel #TerrorTower #genocidal #israeli #landGrab #cancer #growthIdeology #gaza #waste #bds #BDS2SavePalestine #bookburning #NaziIsrael #ramadan
Have you seen the medalians #PalestinianAbusers get. One side has a pictures of trees and says, "FOR THE LAND IS OURS"
So vile and demented, really.
#PalestinianAbusers #gazaunderattack #landGrab
First they came for the #footballPlayers and noone said anything because they are #football players.
#australia #auspol #gestapo #spreaders #spreader #spreaderCulture #covid19 #coronavirus #problemReactionSolution #abcNews #lamestreamMedia #forcedNews #snitch #snitchCentral #queensland #OTT #bureaucracy #fines #moneyPrinterGoBrr #moneyPrinterCoverTheirFines #moneyLaundering #extortion #underCoverOfCovid #landGrab
#footballPlayers #football #australia #auspol #gestapo #spreaders #spreader #spreaderCulture #COVID19 #coronavirus #problemReactionSolution #abcnews #lamestreamMedia #forcedNews #snitch #snitchCentral #queensland #ott #bureaucracy #fines #moneyPrinterGoBrr #moneyPrinterCoverTheirFines #moneylaundering #extortion #underCoverOfCovid #landGrab