Giving it to Cera #cera #landbeforetime #anthroonferal #feral #loli #cub
#cera #landbeforetime #anthroonferal #feral #loli #cub
This week I explore early motherloss, neurodivergent friendships and the magic of animation in animated classic The Land Before Time! 🦕 🦕🦕
You can read more here⬇
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#autism #actuallyautistic #ADHD #neurodivergent #neurokin #neuropride #autcasts #diagnosis #autismdiagnosis #outcasts #movies #films #landbeforetime #animation #donbluth
#autism #actuallyautistic #adhd #neurodivergent #NeuroKin #NeuroPride #autcasts #diagnosis #AutismDiagnosis #outcasts #movies #films #landbeforetime #animation #donbluth
#7filmstoknowme new trend? Ok
1. #HotaruNoHaka / #GraveOfFireflies
2. #LandBeforeTime
3. #AllDogsGoToHeaven
4. #LionKing
5. #TheBoyInTheStripedPyjamas
6. #Room (2015)
7. #TheRoad
#7filmstoknowme #hotarunohaka #graveoffireflies #landbeforetime #alldogsgotoheaven #lionking #theboyinthestripedpyjamas #room #TheRoad #anime #movie #film
@jesshealywalton #landbeforetime is a firm favorite for mr6 here too. Great on the iPad for a long trip.
#SimCity on my iPad (I love CoM but have been too busy to score well for a long while. Having fun aiming for a higher score today) and chess with my 6yo (I’ve always hated it but I’m making an effort to enjoy it more now, as both kids like it).
#LandBeforeTime (1988) with the kids. A childhood fave of mine. We watched it for the first time yesterday and 6yo is obsessed.
My kids’ looks of wonder when they heard the #VotingAge had been lowered to 16 in Aotearoa. The conversation afterwards about how it was still 18 here. Their irritation. So now I’m thinking about what it would take to achieve it here before my kids turn 16.
#Chika - I saw Chika’s tweet about being diagnosed with ADHD, and while I have one of her songs in my Spotify I thought I’d listen to more of her tunes today. I love the NPR tiny desk concerts, so this was an awesome find online:
#simcity #landbeforetime #votingage #chika
Just decorated my daughters room with Lewis Lavoie prints. His Land of Nod series brings me back to my Land Before Time roots.
#StAlbert #YEG #LandOfNod #Lavoie #CanadianArt #Painting #LandBeforeTime #Dinosaur
#stalbert #yeg #landofnod #lavoie #canadianart #painting #landbeforetime #dinosaur
Therapist: so where do you think your trauma began?
Me: well…it all started when a dinosaur cracked out of their egg and they called him little foot