Migration route of Icterine Warbler (Hippolais icterina) breeding in Netherlands unravelled. Article in Limosa 95 (2), in dutch with english summary, by van Noorden, Janssen en van Horssen.
Read more in https://nou.nu/limosa/limosa_samenvatting.php?language=UK&nr=5343 #ornithology #migration #landbirds
#ornithology #migration #landbirds
#NewPublication #OpenAccess by João Guilherme et al. shows how countries along the Afro-Palearctic #MigratoryFlyway are connected by long distance #migrations of #landbirds & #raptors.
This review of #tracking studies on #MigratoryBirds in the flyway shows current state of knowledge and identifies priorities for future studies to fill knowledge gaps.
Plus: very useful dataset and appendixes – read on for details ⬇️ (thread 1/7)
#newpublication #openaccess #migratoryflyway #migrations #landbirds #raptors #tracking #migratorybirds