#Miami beset with a #stinky problem – growing #landfills and overflowing #septictanks
#miami #stinky #landfills #septictanks
#Miami beset with a #stinky problem – growing #landfills and overflowing #septictanks
#miami #stinky #landfills #septictanks
The first generation of solar panels will wear out. A #recycling industry is taking shape https://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/first-generation-solar-panels-will-wear-recycling-industry-taking-shap-rcna97562 “Sunlight beats down on a graveyard for dead #SolarPanels in Yuma, Arizona, hundreds stacked in neat piles, waiting for their next life. The great majority of worn and damaged panels are still dumped in #landfills. But with more and more piling up, many people know that needs to change.”
#recycling #solarpanels #landfills
In the U.S., most #plastics #waste is disposed in #landfills, but a significant amount also ends up as litter on land, #rivers, & #oceans. Today, less than 10 percent of plastics waste is #recycled in the U.S. annually. The use of recycled plastics in #infrastructure applications has potential to help expand the market & demand for plastics recycling. "Recycled plastics in Infrastructure: Current practices Understanding and Opportunities" publication. #water #wastewater https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/27172/recycled-plastics-in-infrastructure-current-practices-understanding-and-opportunities
#plastics #waste #landfills #rivers #oceans #recycled #infrastructure #water #wastewater
In the U.S., most #plastics #waste is disposed in #landfills, but a significant amount also ends up as litter on land, #rivers, & #oceans. Today, less than 10 percent of plastics waste is #recycled in the U.S. annually. The use of recycled plastics in #infrastructure applications has potential to help expand the market & demand for plastics recycling. "Recycled plastics in Infrastructure: Current practices Understanding and Opportunities" publication. #water #wastewater https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/27172/recycled-plastics-in-infrastructure-current-practices-understanding-and-opportunities
#wastewater #Water #infrastructure #recycled #oceans #rivers #landfills #waste #plastics
Landfills are not just dumps for our waste, but complex systems that affect our environment and health. What is the science of landfills, how they work, and what are their impacts? How to reduce our reliance on landfills and promote a circular economy? #landfills #waste #environment https://www.onegreenplanet.org/environment/science-of-landfills-and-our-environmental-future/?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=HariTulsidas%2Fmagazine%2FArchetypes
#landfills #waste #environment
by #AdamMahoney in #CapitalB:
"In the Bay Area, advocates say climate reparations would protect residents by fortifying the region’s shrinking coasts against flooding and removing harmful industries, including several oil refineries and pipelines, chemical plants, and landfills. Residents have been inspired by California’s first-of-its-kind Black reparations task force and a similar effort in San Francisco. Both task forces were created to deliver policy-based reparations recommendations — including for climate-related issues — to the state legislature and city council, respectively."
#BayArea #ClimateReparations #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #GlobalWarming #groundwater #SeaLevel #environment #flooding #toxic #chemicals #pollution #oil #refineries #pipelines #ChemicalPlants #landfills #racism
#adammahoney #capitalb #bayarea #ClimateReparations #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #globalwarming #groundwater #sealevel #environment #flooding #toxic #chemicals #pollution #oil #refineries #Pipelines #chemicalplants #landfills #racism
by #ErinXWong in #Slate:
"A significant bloc of countries is calling for measures to prevent and manage plastic waste, which in some cities accounts for more than 50 percent of the materials waste pickers process. But as cities seek to improve their recycling rates, they may hire private companies, which then would likely lock landfills, set up new collection systems, and compete directly with waste pickers for recyclable materials—in most cases, waste pickers say, without their prior consultation. While everyone agrees that plastic needs to be better managed, many waste pickers turned to this work because they lacked alternative opportunities for employment. Losing access to plastic waste could jeopardize their only means of income."
#plastic #recycling #waste #landfills #UN #environment #pollution
#erinxwong #Slate #plastic #recycling #waste #landfills #un #environment #pollution
Scientists Find #Brain Signals of #Chronic #Pain : NY Times
What do #Plastics have to do with #ClimateChange? : UNDP
Dry #Biomass #Landfills Could Be A Brilliant #Climate #Solution : Misc
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #solution #Climate #landfills #biomass #ClimateChange #plastics #pain #chronic #brain
What does #Race have to do with used clothing? In #Ghana everything has to do with your skin color even used clothing. #climate #ClimateCrisis #Pollution #Landfills #UsedClothing #Donations #Africa https://vocal.media/earth/ghana-tons-of-used-clothes-fill-landfills-why-is-africa-the-world-s-dumping-ground
#race #Ghana #climate #ClimateCrisis #pollution #landfills #usedclothing #donations #Africa
1/3 A student in the Media Studies program here at VIU is graduating this year with her Degree in Digital Media Studies. She did a 3-part documentary-series as one of her final projects. It’s on soft plastic recycling, the challenges and opportunities. It includes some excellent tips, video footage. I’ll link each part in this and the next two posts.
#Recycling #Plastic #SoftPlastic #Landfills #GlobalRecycling #BC #Nanaimo #CentralVancouverIsland
#recycling #plastic #softplastic #landfills #globalrecycling #bc #nanaimo #centralvancouverisland
"As of January 1st [2022], New York joined the growing list of states with bans or other restrictions on landfilling food waste. Alongside #California #Connecticut, #Massachusetts #RhodeIsland, and #Vermont, #NewYork now requires its largest generators of #foodwaste to keep any food out of #landfills and instead donate edible food or recycle food scraps—reducing #methane emissions, creating #jobs, and returning vital nutrients to the #soil." https://www.nrdc.org/bio/margaret-brown/food-waste-generators-now-required-recycle-new-york
#soil #jobs #methane #landfills #foodwaste #newyork #vermont #rhodeisland #massachusetts #connecticut #california
#Industrial #solar #recycling capacity is nowhere near capable of handling volume of panels that need to be disposed of. Now, almost all panels that stop working in the #USA go to #landfills - #DirtyLittleSecret of #CleanEnergy industry. But it's possible to recycle them. Watch the video.
You’ll get a glimpse into the factory in #OdessaTX that #startup #Solarcycle built to test out its process for #Solarpanel #recycling
#industrial #solar #recycling #usa #landfills #dirtylittlesecret #cleanenergy #odessatx #startup #solarcycle #solarpanel
#WhirlpoolCorporation first set its #goal to reach #ZeroWaste to Landfill in 2012 & has continued to #invest in #PlantEfficiency & #WasteReduction—working closely with #recyclers and #sustainability vendors to find new, #innovative ways to #EliminateWaste & contribute to the #CircularEconomy . This goal is aligned with the UL ECVP 2799 #ZeroWasteToLandfill #standard which requires at least #95percent #diversion from #landfills .
#whirlpoolcorporation #goal #zerowaste #invest #plantefficiency #wastereduction #recyclers #sustainability #innovative #eliminatewaste #circulareconomy #zerowastetolandfill #standard #95percent #diversion #landfills #corporateresponsibility
Wind turbine blades are almost impossible to recycle and often end up going into #landfills #RenewableEnergy #WindTurbines
#windturbines #renewableenergy #landfills
I'm hoping that at least some of these are donated to organizations who could give these out to disadvantaged children, or shelters, or other charitable organizations...
I can't help but think there are better places to donate some of these than trashing them all.
Also, this sort of waste should be penalized and taxed, not "written off" so easily.
#Waste #Pollution #Environment #Landfills
#landfills #Environment #Pollution #waste
A new solution could keep old #windturbine blades out of #landfills
It's starting to really creep me out hearing the landfill monster every wed. It's so disgusting that this society here in the US sees no problem with it at all. (not to mention having to drive everywhere for everything)
#zerowaste #landfills #carculture #consumerism #capitalism
There is money to be made – and potential to reduce #greenhouse gas #emissions – by finding a second life for the potato peels, fried dough particles, cheese whey and other #industrial food-processing waste products that routinely end up in #landfills
#Environmental #sflorg
#industrial #landfills #environmental #sflorg #greenhouse #emissions
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#indie #art #blog #poetry #lyrics
#sanitation #landfills
#indie #art #blog #poetry #lyrics #sanitation #landfills #altext