Are you a #SyncroSim user? Save the date for SyncroSim 2023, a user conference hosted by us and the #USGS in collaboration with the #LANDFIRE Team.
The conference will bring together users of SyncroSim #modeling tools and provide opportunities to share and learn. The event will include optional one-day training sessions on the use of SyncroSim and SyncroSim packages, followed by two days of talks by scientists and managers in the field of ecological forecasting from across North America.
#syncrosim #usgs #landfire #modeling
Hi folks, because I'm a plodder who often fumbles on first attempts, I'm doing my #introduction again. I'm a civil servant, working in #airquality, #wildfire, #fireemissions, #climatechange, #ecosystemcarbon, #GHGemissionsinventory in California. I use tools such as #GIS, #FOFEM, a bit of #Python, data sources such as #LANDFIRE, #fireperimeters, #gridMET fuel moisture #rasters and whatever i can find. On Mastodon I'd like to connect with #fireecology and #firemodeling, among others.
#introduction #airquality #wildfire #fireemissions #climatechange #ecosystemcarbon #ghgemissionsinventory #GIS #fofem #python #landfire #fireperimeters #gridmet #rasters #fireecology #firemodeling