USGS Study Estimating A Monetary Value For Floodplain Ecosystem Services In The Chesapeake Bay And Delaware River Watersheds
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #flood #flooding #floodinnundation #innundation #extremeweather #climatechange #watersheds #floodengineering #floodplains #nutrients #sediments #sedimentation #fluvial #soils #erosion #floodwaters #agriculture #farming #economics #accounting #mitigation #tradeoffs #management #landforms #geomorphology #ecosystems #publicsafety #communityhealth #appliedscience #water #hydrology #benefits #benefitstransfer #regulation #quantification #value #loss #lossanddamage #lossadjusting #Hazus #ChesapeakeBay #DelawareRiver
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #flood #flooding #floodinnundation #innundation #extremeweather #climatechange #watersheds #floodengineering #floodplains #nutrients #sediments #sedimentation #fluvial #soils #erosion #floodwaters #agriculture #farming #economics #accounting #mitigation #tradeoffs #management #landforms #geomorphology #ecosystems #publicsafety #communityhealth #appliedscience #water #hydrology #benefits #benefitstransfer #regulation #quantification #value #loss #LossAndDamage #lossadjusting #hazus #ChesapeakeBay #delawareriver
World's Beaches Are Changing Because Of Climate Change
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #anthropogenic #climatechange #coast #coastline #coastalprocesses #greeninfrastructure #sandybeaches #beaches #mitigation #coastalengineering #coastalcommunities #mangroves #rockyshorelines #rivers #estuaries #hydro #water #hydrospatial #sanddunes #landforms #geomorphology #sealevel #SLR #sealevelrise #Anthropocene #sediment #sedimentation #innundation #erosion #protection #urbanisation #landusechange #landuseplanning #planning #resilience #ecosystems #environmental #solutions #ecology #southafrica
#gis #spatial #mapping #anthropogenic #climatechange #coast #coastline #coastalprocesses #greeninfrastructure #sandybeaches #beaches #mitigation #coastalengineering #coastalcommunities #mangroves #rockyshorelines #rivers #estuaries #Hydro #water #hydrospatial #sanddunes #landforms #geomorphology #sealevel #slr #sealevelrise #anthropocene #sediment #sedimentation #innundation #erosion #protection #urbanisation #landusechange #landuseplanning #planning #resilience #ecosystems #environmental #solutions #ecology #southafrica
Mountains Are Collapsing - A Swiss Mountain Peak Fell Apart, Sending 3.5 Million Cubic Feet Of Rock Into The Valley Below - Scientists Warn Climate Change Could Make More Mountains Crumble.
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #prediction #geology #engineeringgeology #massmovement #global #landslide #debrisflow #mudslide #mountain #cryosphere #glacier #snow #ice #permafrost #water #hydrology #rockfall #EuropeanAlps #europe #SouthernAlps #newzealand #andes #peru #indigeneous #firstnation #risk #hazard #publicsafety #climate #melting #snowandicemanagement #climatechange #landforms #change #geomorphology #globalwarming #IPCC #naturalhazard #geologichazards
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #prediction #geology #engineeringgeology #massmovement #global #landslide #debrisflow #mudslide #mountain #cryosphere #glacier #snow #ice #permafrost #water #hydrology #rockfall #europeanalps #Europe #southernalps #newzealand #Peru #indigeneous #firstnation #risk #hazard #publicsafety #climate #melting #snowandicemanagement #climatechange #landforms #change #geomorphology #globalwarming #ipcc #naturalhazard #geologichazards #andes
Perspectives - A Bird’s-Eye View Of Landscapes [Sweden]
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #aerial #satellite #drone #imagery #history #archaeology #urban #industrial #agriculture #iBIRDSEYE #Sweden #records #landforms #geomorphology #examples #usecases #appliedscience #ancientmonuments #burial #burialmounds #overview #SouthernSweden #spatialanalysis #landcover #landuse
#IKFoundation #SwedishNationalArchives
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #aerial #satellite #drone #imagery #history #archaeology #urban #industrial #agriculture #ibirdseye #sweden #records #landforms #geomorphology #examples #usecases #appliedscience #ancientmonuments #burial #burialmounds #overview #southernsweden #spatialanalysis #landcover #landuse #ikfoundation #swedishnationalarchives
Geomorphometry - A Brief Guide
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-- <-- International Society for Geomorphometry home page
#GIS #spatial #mapping #elevation #remotesensing #data #digital #civilengineering #science #visualization #geometry #military #algorithms #society #visualisation #model #modeling #geomorphology #landcover #geomorphometry #quantitative #landsurface #analysis #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #terrainanalysis #physicalgeography #geography #geology #topography #landforms #watersheds #surfacemodel #algorithms #interpretation #gischat
#gis #spatial #mapping #elevation #remotesensing #data #digital #civilengineering #science #visualization #geometry #military #algorithms #society #visualisation #model #modeling #geomorphology #landcover #geomorphometry #quantitative #landsurface #analysis #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #terrainanalysis #PhysicalGeography #geography #geology #topography #landforms #watersheds #surfacemodel #interpretation #gischat
The Fluvial Geomorphology Equivalent Of ‘Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny’?
-- <-- USGS’s 3DEP’s open data for elevation
This is a ‘quick and dirty’ visualisation I made the other day with 3DEP iFSAR data to get a better sense of the fluvial geomorphology up in this area of NE Alaska near Kaktovik/Gordon, it is amazing what pops...
Lay over some hydrology vectors, some of the underlying geology boundaries, etc - and the landforms become much easier to understand in terms of origin and development - the geomorphic/hydrologic/erosional/geologic/vegetative/etc equivalent of biology's “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny”?
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Alaska #USA #3DEP #opendata #elevation #iFSAR #remotesensing #radar #visualisation #fluvial #hydrology #geology #erosion #geomorphology #ontogeny #phylogeny #landforms #origin #development #vegetation #appliedscience
#gis #spatial #mapping #alaska #USA #3dep #opendata #elevation #ifsar #remotesensing #radar #visualisation #fluvial #hydrology #geology #erosion #geomorphology #ontogeny #phylogeny #landforms #origin #development #vegetation #appliedscience
What Is A Digital Elevation Model (DEM)?- A Practical Guide
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“A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a digital cartographic dataset that represents a continuous topographic elevation surface through a series of cells. Each cell represents the elevation (Z) of a feature at its location (X and Y). Digital Elevation Models are a “bare earth” representation because they only contain information about the elevation of geological (ground) features, such as valleys, mountains, and landslides, to name a few. They do not include any elevation data concerning non-ground features, such as vegetation or buildings...”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #elevation #spatialdata #spatialanalysis #data #digital #DEM #digitalelevationmodel #spatialanalysis #LiDAR #remotesensing #model #modeling #IFSAR #onlinelearning #onlinelessons #tutorial #landform #bathymetry #geomorphology #geology #landforms
#gis #spatial #mapping #elevation #spatialdata #spatialanalysis #data #digital #dem #digitalelevationmodel #lidar #remotesensing #model #modeling #ifsar #onlinelearning #onlinelessons #tutorial #landform #bathymetry #geomorphology #geology #landforms
How to draw various #landforms, from "Principles of Cartography" (1962) by Erwin Raisz 🌋⛰🏞🏜🌄
Geologic Map Of The Source Region Of Shalbatana Vallis, Mars
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #gischat #map #Mars #solarsystem #elevation #geology #geomorphology #XantheTerra #download #GISData #opendata #landforms #geologicmapping #geological #hydrology #water #flood #flooding #extraterrestrial #remotesensing #THEMIS #satellite #orbiter
#gis #spatial #mapping #gischat #map #Mars #solarsystem #elevation #geology #geomorphology #xantheterra #download #gisdata #opendata #landforms #geologicmapping #geological #hydrology #water #flood #flooding #Extraterrestrial #remotesensing #themis #satellite #orbiter #usgs
Geopedology@BTU is now on Mastodon. We study #soils and #landforms in the earth‘s critical zone - properties, distribution, genesis, functions. Looking forward joining news about #soil #pedology #environment #geology #geomorphology #archaeology #geoarchaeology #Quaternary #Holocene #Anthropocene
#soils #landforms #soil #pedology #environment #geology #geomorphology #archaeology #geoarchaeology #Quaternary #Holocene #anthropocene