Photo 1 - my first attempt at using some of the seeds I collected from the bush ( with ) over the past 3 months. Mixture of about 10 . Photo 2 - saplings I planted a month ago, growing strong

#directseeding #fieldwork #indigenousrangers #nativespecies #revegetation #landforwildlife #restoration

Last updated 1 year ago

The first 20 trees are officially in the ground at our bush block, including this Tallerack (Eucalyptus pleurocarpa). This species is endemic to the southwest of : its distribution marks the boundary of the Wudjari people and is the namesake of the Tjaljtraak Ranger program (where I work)

#WesternAustralia #revegetation #landforwildlife

Last updated 2 years ago

Sarah Durrant · @sarahdurrant
171 followers · 78 posts · Server

(OK, so this post - 4/4 - is the

The Little pygmy-possum had found his pal again (I'd seen this 2nd one scoot off when I originally sighted them).

They were now both on top of the mound of slashed Cutting Grass, clearly making themselves right at home on our property. They were into the business of making MORE Little pygmy-possums!!!

I went back to the house to fetch my camera and they were STILL at it when I returned.

#landforwildlife #wildoz #tasmania

Last updated 2 years ago

Sarah Durrant · @sarahdurrant
171 followers · 77 posts · Server

3 of 4
I placed the Little pygmy-possum back onto the stump of Cutting Grass where I'd initially seen him, and I gathered some good sized pieces of bark to cover him, and provide for the a bit of protection from predators - particularly from Kookaburras, which are an introduced species to Tasmania and cause quite a few problems for some of our other .

I went on with my day and the Little pygmy-possum got on with his.

At the end of the day, I made my way to the vegetable garden to check the rain gauge, and took a look at the remains of the old stand of Cutting Grass as I passed.

Well. I. Never.

#wildlife #wildoz #landforwildlife #tasmania

Last updated 2 years ago

Sarah Durrant · @sarahdurrant
171 followers · 76 posts · Server

The Little pygmy-possum came onto my shoe and then started climbing the leg of my jeans! A strong, steady climb - maybe he mistook me for a tree? By the time he'd got above my knee and within reach of my hand, I felt confident I could safely scoop him up. I gently load him into my cupped hand and he just sat there calmly in my palm while I cupped my other hand above him to prevent premature escape.

He was SO light in weight - I felt I was holding nothing - or maybe a few feathers. But it wasn't nothing, it was an adorable Little pygmy-possum.

#wildoz #landforwildlife #tasmania #possum

Last updated 2 years ago

Sarah Durrant · @sarahdurrant
171 followers · 75 posts · Server

I had a delightful encounter with a couple of Tasmanian/Little pygmy-possums in my garden yesterday. 'Pygmy' suggests they're small . 'Little pygmy' - well, that's one tiny possum! I read that they're the smallest possum in the WORLD!
The post he's on is 12cm diameter. Makes his head & body about 5cm, excluding tail.

I decided to help him off the gate post as I really wanted to get through the gate into my vegetable patch. Gathered him up onto a good sized piece of bark and attempted to put him down on the stump of the Cutting Grass, where I'd first seen him.

But he had other ideas.......

#possums #wildoz #landforwildlife #tasmania

Last updated 2 years ago

Larena Woodmore · @larena
249 followers · 4 posts · Server

Reposting on new server.

I live on a property in in the north of , . I am documenting its amazing by recording on my website (mainly with photos) every species that live here. You can see the , , and more at and some on .

I mainly post photos of and with occasional freshwater and burrowing

#introduction #landforwildlife #lilydale #tasmania #australia #biodiversity #animals #plants #fungi #inaturalist #marsupials #birds #insects #lichens #mosses #crayfish

Last updated 2 years ago

Yesterday was spent with the Traltjraak amongst the beautiful salmon gums (Eucalyptus salmonophloia) collecting 2kg of seed from native trees as part of a large-scale project to restore paddocks to bush land. Exhausted but also rejuvenated 💙🌳 (📸 of native Eremophila)

#indigenousrangers #zerocarbon #revegetation #caringforcountry #landforwildlife

Last updated 2 years ago

Grant Williams · @birdemergency
155 followers · 612 posts · Server

Nerds and ! Here is the latest from The Bird Emergency, a bonus episode of the recorded yesterday with Gregory Andrews, Australia's first Threatened Species Commissioner, and now managing land for wildlife at his property, Wombat Ridge. 3biodiversity

#bird #birdtooters #podcast #livestream #wildoz #landforwildlife

Last updated 2 years ago

Grant Williams · @birdemergency
155 followers · 612 posts · Server

today with a really great guest, Gregory Andrews, who was Australia’s first Threatened Species Commissioner That’s in about 2 hours from now - midday Aust Eastern Daylight Time. All the links at

#livestream #birds #wildoz #landforwildlife #threatenedspecies #biodiversity #conservationpolicy

Last updated 2 years ago

Bushbark · @bushbark
110 followers · 434 posts · Server

are an invasive species in Australia. We take them out of the environment on a regular basis. They are ethically and humanely euthanised. Their bodies go to create a bait to remove their toadpoles from watersources.
Last nights adventure included a male Koala bellowing, Boobook Owl, geckos, FrogID recordings and frog sightings and about 90 Toads removed. Count for this property is now about 450.

#canetoads #biodiversity #landforwildlife

Last updated 2 years ago

Larena Woodmore · @larena
0 followers · 1 posts · Server


I live on a property in in the north of , . I am documenting its amazing by recording on my website (mainly with photos) every species that live here. You can see the , , and more at and some on .

My previous life was in IT & I haven't quite let go. As well as building the website I have some kickass spreadsheets and to keep me entertained.

#introduction #landforwildlife #lilydale #tasmania #australia #biodiversity #animals #plants #fungi #inaturalist #excel #macros

Last updated 2 years ago

Sarah Durrant · @sarahdurrant
30 followers · 11 posts · Server

Must be time for an since I’ve been here for a few days now.

I live in , the small island state south of mainland - I came here for a cooler , a quieter lifestyle, and to enjoy this unique . I am interested in and more.

Am originally from the UK, with a tech career background in land surveying, radar, computing and such. MBE at age 29, which has sat in a drawer ever since! A stint as a lecturer before moving to Victoria AU. After working a few yrs in integration, Dept of Ed, health issues led me to establishing own business as knitwear designer/specialist yarn retailer, which remained a joy and success until retirement.

I tend mostly to stay close to home these days, with challenges of and other chronic health conditions, but I’m more than happy immersed in all that our property offers.

Great to be here - things are looking really good!

#introduction #tasmania #australia #climate #environment #wildlife #birds #cameratrapping #sustainability #renewables #climatechange #auspol #politas #weaving #knitting #textiles #dogs #dogsofmastodon #ms #landforwildlife

Last updated 2 years ago