@G8GDS Not a sailor or even a marine buff, but I think I may need to get the flags for U W Y when we get settled at our new location ...
#Lesotho legislature discussing whether to claim large parts of #SouthAfrica, which would more than quadruple the country's claimed size. https://www.the-star.co.ke/news/world/2023-03-29-lesotho-mps-to-discuss-reclaiming-parts-of-south-africa/
#irridentism #geography #borders #disputedterritory #territorialdispute #enclaves #landlocked
#landlocked #enclaves #territorialdispute #disputedterritory #borders #geography #irridentism #southafrica #Lesotho
There is something calming and therapeutic for me about living by the ocean. Even in winter when things are dormant, there is life and energy in the #ocean . I was on my way to get groceries this afternoon and it was such a lovely day so I stopped by Mackworth Island for a walk. Perhaps because I grew up on an island I was never quite myself during the years in my life when I lived in #landlocked places.
#ocean #landlocked #maine #silentsunday #joinin #water #coast #walking
Late Miocene Megalake Regressions In Eurasia [Paratethys Sea, The Largest Lake In Earth's History]
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-91001-z <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Miocene #lake #freshwater #Asia #Europe #megalake #Eurasia #geology #epicontinental #ParatethysSea #platetectonics #evaporation #salinity #landlocked #evapotranspiration #desiccation #geology #water #hydrology #geologichistory #paleoenvironmental #stratigraphy #aridification #paleogeography #geography #reconstruction #regression #saltlake #climatechange #spatialanalysis #model #modeling
#gis #spatial #mapping #miocene #lake #Freshwater #asia #Europe #megalake #eurasia #geology #epicontinental #paratethyssea #platetectonics #evaporation #salinity #landlocked #evapotranspiration #desiccation #water #hydrology #geologichistory #paleoenvironmental #stratigraphy #aridification #paleogeography #geography #reconstruction #Regression #saltlake #climatechange #spatialanalysis #model #modeling
#WhoKnew there were areas of the #USA where you could #ownProperty and even #HaveACabin or #HaveAHome but be #Landlocked out of it later by #BLM or other #governmentagencies?
#ProtectingTheEnvironment and #salmonFisheries/#SalmonSpawningAreas is very important,and clearly a lot of work and some money would be required to either #RestoreTheTrail they used to use or #ClearANewTrail, but these folks need to be able to #accessProperty they own and used to be able to use. The #FederalBureaucracy effectively using #EminentDomain doesn't seem fair in these cases.
#UmatillaNationalForest #UmatillaForest #UmatillaCounty #Umatilla #MiltonFreewater #SouthFork #WallaWallaRiver #HarrisPark #BurntCabinTrail #Oregon #NortheastOregon #LandownerAccess
#whoknew #usa #ownproperty #haveacabin #haveahome #landlocked #blm #governmentagencies #protectingtheenvironment #salmonfisheries #restorethetrail #clearanewtrail #accessproperty #federalbureaucracy #eminentdomain #umatillanationalforest #umatillaforest #umatillacounty #umatilla #miltonfreewater #southfork #wallawallariver #harrispark #burntcabintrail #oregon #northeastoregon #landowneraccess
Tell me about the h which is getting no love?
I am an academic #editor, but voracious reader of #specfic #sff and give gratitude to those who edit it! Also a former #librarian, and probably a former camper (now that I have left #mountain and #Tahoe for #landlocked #CentralIllinois)
#centralillinois #landlocked #tahoe #mountain #librarian #sff #specfic #editor
The New Atlas: Ukrainian Power Outages, the US 101st Airborne, and Russia's Next Big Move
@ 14:36
It looks like Ukraine is about to collapse
The West will want to rush in create a buffer zone in Western Ukraine to preserve what's left there and possibly also take #Odessa to prevent whatever is left of Ukraine from becoming #landlocked