Today myself and @jam were in a coffee shop and overheard a 20-something person on the phone very firmly but politely putting their foot down to (what we can deduce) a useless letting agent about ending their lease early due to an obviously shitty landlord - and I just want to say I'm proud that we as a generation finally feel empowered and respect ourselves enough to say no to parasitic scumlords
#alllandlordsarebastards #landlordscum
Go ahead and starve, landbastard!
#LANDLORDSAREBASTARDS #landlordsareparasites #landlordscum #FUCKlandlords
#landlordsarebastards #landlordsareparasites #landlordscum #FUCKlandlords
"We were just kidding!
"We don't really want you to tip your landlord (please stop sending hate mail!)."
You should definitely continue review-bombing their asses.
#FuckLandlords #LandlordScum #LandlordsDontCreateHousing
#HousingForAll #HousingIsAHumanRight
#FUCKlandlords #landlordscum #landlordsdontcreatehousing #housingforall #housingisahumanright
We all need to use the word lan bastard instead of landlord and landlady; it's more inclusive.
#landbastards #LANDLORDSAREBASTARDS #landlordscum
#landbastards #landlordsarebastards #landlordscum
Landlords have no heart!
#LANDLORDSAREBASTARDS #landlordscum #FUCKlandlords
#landlordsarebastards #landlordscum #FUCKlandlords
Landlord bootleggers make me sick!
#LANDLORDSAREBASTARDS #landlordsareparasites #landlordscum
#landlordsarebastards #landlordsareparasites #landlordscum
Poor landlord! All he wants to do is kick a person on the street and make them homeless because they refuse to let him reach off them like a parasite!
#FUCKlandlords #landlordscum #LANDLORDSAREBASTARDS #landlordsareparasites
#FUCKlandlords #landlordscum #landlordsarebastards #landlordsareparasites
Gotta feel bad for #landlords
#landlordscum #LANDLORDSAREBASTARDS #landlordsareparasites #landlordisnotajob
#landlords #landlordscum #landlordsarebastards #landlordsareparasites #landlordisnotajob
I am constantly astonished that we haven’t all risen up and guillotined landlords.