Classic Movies Today · @classicmovies
192 followers · 756 posts · Server

54 years ago:
Monte Carlo or Bust! (FR,IT,GB)
Sequel to "Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines". This time an international car rally from England to Monte Carlo provides the comedic farce.

#montecarloorbust #kenannakin #bourvil #landobuzzanca #tonycurtis #paramount #classicmovies

Last updated 2 years ago

Classic Movies Today · @classicmovies
177 followers · 804 posts · Server

56 years ago:
Don Juan in Sicily (IT)
Original title: Don Giovanni in Sicilia
Giovanni Percolla lives in Catania surrounded by the attentive cares of his three sisters. He permanently acts like a Don Giovanni to hide his real poor "knowledge" of women. With his friend he moves also to Rome but women still continues to remain part of his fantasies. But Giovanni succeeded to bu...

#donjuaninsicily #landobuzzanca #katiachristine #ewaaulin #film

Last updated 2 years ago

Classic Movies Today · @classicmovies
130 followers · 635 posts · Server

58 years ago:
The Sucker (ES,FR,IT)
Original title: Le Corniaud
In this Frenco-Italian gangster parody, a shop keeper on his way to an Italian holiday suffers a crash which totals his car. The culprit can only compensate his ruined trip by driving an American friends car from Napels to Bordeaux, but as it happens to be filled with such contraband as stolen money...

#thesucker #bourvil #louisdefunes #landobuzzanca #classicmovies

Last updated 2 years ago

Classic Movies Today · @classicmovies
125 followers · 639 posts · Server

49 years ago:
Playing the Field (IT)
Original title: L'arbitro
A small-time soccer referee gets the chance of a lifetime when he gets to referee a major-league game. He becomes a celebrity and suddenly finds himself having to choose between his future as a referee and the temptations that come his way, especially the women, now.

#playingthefield #landobuzzanca #joancollins #classicfilm

Last updated 2 years ago

Scopriamo chi è Lando Buzzanca, famoso attore e cantante italiano: qual è la sua età, quali sono i suoi film, a quanto ammonta il suo patrimonio, la malattia, chi è la fidanzata e quanti figli ha. Tutto quello che c'è da sapere sulla sua carriera, ma anche sulla sua vita privata. Classe 1935, all'an...

#landobuzzanca #18dicembre

Last updated 2 years ago

Lando Buzzanca è morto a 87 anni, il figlio: "Speravo passasse il Natale con noi"
Con Lando Buzzanca se ne va un pezzo di storia del cinema italiano. L’attore si è spento oggi a 87 anni a Villa Speranza a Roma, dove era stato trasferito a seguito del ricovero di alcuni giorni al Policlinico Geme...

#massimilianobuzzanca #landobuzzanca #featured #fatti #18dicembre

Last updated 2 years ago