Do you wonder why you are not getting boosts on your wonderful #photolography #LandscaphePhotography #FensterFriday #Fensterfreitag #OceanVisions ? If you do not use Alt Text all the vision impaired get from your toot is "Image" and as Mastodon had a large number of vision impaired users before the bird site went splat most of us won't boost toots that leave the Vision Impaired out of the fun.
So please Be a Mensch: Alt Text your images and MeMes.
#twittermigration #oceanvisions #Fensterfreitag #fensterfriday #landscaphephotography #photolography
This is "Light on Manly Beacon", from yesterday's blog post with sunrise photos from Zabriskie Point. Just for fun, I'm sharing it at the exact same time that I made the photo: 7:24 AM PST. 😀
Manly Beacon is named for William L. Manly, a pioneer who helped rescue the Bennett-Arcane emigrant party when they got stuck in Death Valley.
Prints etc.:
#LandscaphePhotography #DeathValley #Desert #California #NationalParks #Sunrise
EDIT: spot the two hikers in the frame!
#sunrise #nationalparks #california #desert #deathvalley #landscaphephotography