We need new forms of actions.
Like all occupations actual there is a big violently eviction in a village called Lützerath in the so called Germany. For coal and mainly for the big money of a concern.
In solidarity and full of gratitude with the people giving their blood and liftime for this fight.
But to be honest.
There is going a lot of activist energy going into this fights.
And in the end there is not a real chance to fight against armed armees of assholes, chased by money, greed and wealth. And a state monopol of violence at their back.
But what if we take them their backbone?
How could our resistance get more creative and more effektive?
How can we pierce them to their hearts?
Right, at the money.
Stop giving them your money.
They pay these armys by your workforce, by your taxes, by your debts/interests (…) and by your rents.
If we manage, to cancel all these shit all together nearly at the same time and forever?
What do you think will happen?
Do you think they can evict so many people from their flats, when we are all in solidarity with the occupiers?
Do you think they can build up so many prisons, to imprison all people stop paying their debts?
Do you want to play this game forever?
Imagine you an nobady got debts. You habe to pay a rent. You don't pay the taxes.
How much more money and freedom do you have than?
Imagine all neighbours are in solidarity, if they want to evict one of us and every time many cops have to come.
Yes they can't handle that. They are not enough.
Everybody is affected from this capital system.
So we should be many and we have to be in solidarity.
Supportstructures, decentral/local organisation, support for discriminated, for the weak, for those who are in fear, for young and old people (…), for All.
Destroy powerful positions.
Participation, decentral/local for ALL
The earth belong to all of us and herself.
And not to those, which already have enough and the control of the armys.
#Lutzerath shows us, how it shuld looks everywhere.
Don't pay anymore. Prepare and wait for good moments.
#dontpay #debtstrike #taxstrike #rentstrike #landstrike #landback #occupy #propertyistheft #fuckthesystem #fuckthecistem #anarchy #acab #noborder #nonation
#Lutzerath #dontpay #debtstrike #taxstrike #rentstrike #landstrike #landback #occupy #propertyistheft #fuckthesystem #fuckTheCistem #anarchy #acab #noborder #nonation
Deutsch weiter unten
It is important, meaningful and correct to squat flats, houses and land.
Above all in times of poverty, distress, and hunger there should be free accommodations for Ⓐall people.
But it is not enough, if only a few people are doing this.
Therefor it needs a mass movement, which resist the power of banks and the class of proprietors.
Their weapon are just cops and evictions and they are less that it looks like.
Build local structures of solidarity. Be ready. Squat (your) flats, houses and land, what you really need for life.
Take back, what should be everyones property!
#debtstrike #rentstrike #landstrike #landback #squat #occupy #noproperty #propertyistheft #anarchy
Es ist wichtig, sinnvoll und richtig Wohnungen, Häuser und Land zu besetzen.
Vor allem in Zeiten von Armut, Not, Elend and Hunger muss es kostenlose Unterkünfte für Ⓐlle Menschen geben.
Allerdings reicht es nicht, wenn dies nur ein paar Wenige tun. Es braucht hierfür eine globale Massenbewegung, die sich der Macht der Herrschenden Klasse der Banken und Eigentümer*innen widersetzt.
Ihr Waffe sind nur Cops und Zwangsräumungen und sie sind viel weniger, als es aussieht.
Schafft solidarische Strukturen, seid bereit, besetzt (eure) Wohnungen, Häuser und Land welches ihr für euer Leben braucht.
Nehmt euch zurück, was allen gehören sollte.
#schuldenstreik #mietstreik #landstreik #besetzen #besetzung #keineigentum #eigentumistdiebstahl #anarchie
#debtstrike #rentstrike #landstrike #landback #squat #occupy #noproperty #propertyistheft #anarchy #schuldenstreik #Mietstreik #landstreik #besetzen #Besetzung #keineigentum #EigentumIstDiebstahl #anarchie