"SINGAPORE, Nov 15 — A land Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) with Malaysia is expected to be launched in a few weeks’ time, said the Singapore Multi-ministry Taskforce on Covid-19."
#malaysia #COVID19 #travel #landtransport #singapore
The Singapore Land Transport Master Plan 2040 Public Engagement Report has been released, with feedback on making public transport more inclusive and serving the public better.
#Singapore #LandTransport #Feedback #Survey #Inclusiveness
News article: [ https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/inclusive-public-transport-bus-journey-lta-master-plan-11184552 ]
LTA Press Release [ https://www.lta.gov.sg/apps/news/page.aspx?c=2&id=0e9ab91a-25e5-4ab4-9953-92e033778091 ]
#singapore #landtransport #feedback #survey #inclusiveness
Land Transport Authority #Singapore's Public Consultation of the #LandTransport Master Plan 2040 (PDF):
#transport #landtransport #singapore
Singapore LTA awards contracts for electric buses to three bus companies to test out different charging technologies. Buses to start arriving in 2019.
#singapore #transport #landtransport #buses #electricbuses