*is looking at a Lojban cheat sheet*
> Emotional strength modifiers
I have no idea what that is, for now, but this looks intriguing… I wonder if it possible to do something similar to Hymmnos' emotion sounds (intensity, emotion, duration/context at the beginning of sentences) here 🤔
Had to (install and) insert Fairfax HD into a list of monospace family aliases to see any Shavian characters in a terminal emulator due to Qt font fallback limit. A bit too small when combined with other fonts, but at least it's better than empty rectangles.
I wish I had this picture last time I tried learning Lojban. I had only a text description, which I understood, but kept forgetting what's what down the road. And those words are used quite a lot.
#lang_en #lojban #languages #conlangs
My new project: Fishkin’s Yggdrasil nodes pinger
The programme in few minutes makes a list of the nodes of the Yggdrasil network, quickly replying to user computer's ping.
#Yggdrasil #computer #software #ping #download #GNULinux #Linux #lang_en #en
#yggdrasil #computer #software #ping #download #gnulinux #linux #lang_en #en
I kind of wanted to try keyd at some point, but now that I use Emacs I'm unsure I'll actually need it :blobcatcoffee:
No matter what it does, Microsoft is not your friend.
#lang_en #random #thoughts #microsoft
Actual OMEMO fingerprints: https://chicory.fossee.net/OMEMO.txt
Actual PGP key (not changed): https://chicory.fossee.net/chicory.asc
The post by @RL_Dane who finds it hard to spell “c” in Esperanto reminded me why I prefer learning other languages using books in my native language rather than English (which are usually more numerous) – they will explain things that are hard(er) for users of the language a book is written in.
Specifically, for me “c” is simply “ц”, but ŭ is “that thing like English ‘w’” which would have been a bit more problemstic if I didn't study English before that.
#lang_en #languages #esperanto
Oh wait, em/rem in media queries do not work off root element's font size. That's kinda useless 🤔
I guess, now I have a reason to have a Prolog interpreter in my system :blobcatgiggle:
> Toki Pona Parser - A tool for spelling, grammar check and ambiguity check of Toki Pona sentences
#lang_en #toki_pona #tokipona #prolog #languages #conlangs
Abstractions are awesome, too bad you have to stop at some point.
From what I've just read it doesn't make sense to ask someone about age in Toki Pona, 'cause nobody is going to speak so much “tu”s. Not to mention that you'll have to calculate 'em :blobcatgiggle:
#lang_en #toki_pona #tokipona #languages #conlangs
So, I heard alignment is gonna die in a fire in Pathfinder. Nice :blobcatcoffee:
#lang_en #ttrpg #pathfinder #alignment