"[D]iscussions about #AutonomousVehicles & the like are all concerned w/ ascriptions of responsibility. #AutonomousTechnology constrains human autonomy [and] diminishes our freedom" Read #AlfredNordmann on #LangdonWinner here: https://doi.org/g27s #EpistemologicalLuddism
#AutonomousVehicles #autonomoustechnology #alfrednordmann #langdonwinner #epistemologicalluddism
To understand #LangdonWinner intellectually—Michael Bennett says—look to his importance of #music in his life & work, "ask him about #JimiHendrix, #JanisJoplin, #LittleRichard, #JamesBrown, #DjangoReinhardt, #JohnColtrane." Here: https://doi.org/g25c #FugitiveDemocracy
#langdonwinner #music #jimihendrix #JanisJoplin #littlerichard #jamesbrown #DjangoReinhardt #johncoltrane #fugitivedemocracy
Winner of the 2020 Society for Social Studies of Science's #BernalPrize—#LangdonWinner—reflects on the "Democratic Shaping of Technology: Its Rise, Fall and Possible Rebirth" in #TechnologyAssessment Plus 5 author responses here: https://doi.org/g25h
#bernalprize #langdonwinner #TechnologyAssessment #estsengagements
If anyone ever throws the term ( NEO- ) LUDDITE at you, as a derogatory, this text might be the ultimate ninja star to throw back ! LibrarianShipwreck we <3 <3 <3 you !!! https://librarianshipwreck.wordpress.com/2018/01/18/why-the-luddites-matter/ #Fuckoffgoogle #LudditesUnite #Strawman #LangdonWinner
#fuckoffgoogle #ludditesunite #strawman #langdonwinner