#LanguageServerProtocol is so nice.
I just typed /toStep RET SPC m g g RET SPC m r r reportUpdateStatus RET
, and a function was renamed, across multiple files, with imports adjusted and all that.
I used to have custom code to do this kind of thing, but this is so much simpler, and also not as buggy as my code was.
Anyone fluent with tree sitter grammars (and/or LSPs) want to help me with implementing NodeKit (https://github.com/small-tech/nodekit) code intelligence for Helix editor?
#NodeKit #smallTech #smallWeb #languageServerProtocol #lsp #treeSitter #helix #editor #dev
#dev #editor #helix #treesitter #lsp #languageServerProtocol #SmallWeb #smalltech #NodeKit