Jan Lehnardt :couchdb: · @janl
2713 followers · 5282 posts · Server narrativ.es


Last updated 1 year ago

Gerardo Lisboa · @gvlx
171 followers · 2052 posts · Server masto.pt

@natriumchloride @Chloeg

Typical conversation of the portuguese builders (which know very little english - check below) with the english road engineer (which doesn't understand a word of portuguese):

the builder (in portuguese) : how should this road be built?

the engineer : YeSS.

the builder (in portuguese) : So you want it as an "S"?

the engineer : YeSS.

the builder : ok

Check "English as She Is Spoke" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_

#languagebarrier #cultureclash #civilengineering

Last updated 1 year ago

Nathan Young · @nvyoung
17 followers · 1509 posts · Server disabled.social

How To Overcome The Language Barrier For A Student Who Is Going Abroad For The First Time
With traveling abroad becoming more affordable than ever, many students decide to go abroad and practice their language skills. Fueled by part-time jobs, remote work, and onlin

#educationtalkstuff #languagebarrier #overcomethelanguagebarrier #studentgoingabroadforthefirsttime

Last updated 1 year ago

TRADUCOOP · @traducoop
68 followers · 120 posts · Server social.coop

We are thrilled to be back at in to . Thanks to Inclusiv for flying us from to provide services from to and to ContextGlobal Inc. for supporting us with audiovisual services. We look forward to breaking the and promoting and again this year.

#cdcucon2023 #memphistn #servelanguagejustice #puertorico #simultaneousinterpretation #english #spanish #languagebarrier #financialequity #inclusion

Last updated 2 years ago

Has anybody here on felt you were being by people from another instance?

Somebody once told me something along the lines of "you are talking in a very weird/strange way and that makes me to not want to talk to you", I felt insulted by that even though it is possible that could be an autistic person being with me and not being able to lie so they expressed their fear of me very honestly.

Also might have been the .

Anybody else experienced anything?

#antiharassment #neurodifferentme #harassed #superhonest #languagebarrier

Last updated 2 years ago

kunterschwarz · @kunterschwarz
10 followers · 97 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

I actually speak (more or less ) four languages. I can read Cyrillic script and greece letters.
I recognized some when, that a lot of languages use many words that are similar. Without knowing anything about Ukrainian , I understand a lot by reading. I was totally surprised actually. Learning the letters is not too difficult, but depending on the language you know not intuitive. (For example H = N, ת (Hebrew T) = L. ) But also a=a.
Greek was quite easy for me as I in physics/maths its normal to calculate with them.( ρ= rho, Δ= delta)
By only learning the letters I it really enlarged my possibility of understanding peoples posts. I sometimes also can read Arabic. (But its complicated. Just a bit more easy by knowing Hebrew)
I just thought its nice to share this. Maybe it inspires you. Maybe it motivates you when you know learning a language is not a heavy deal of letters, thousands of words and grammar.

(You are invited of sharing this in other languages, for the moment I don't have enough spoons for it)

#language #communication #antiborders #languagelearning #languagebarrier #inspiration

Last updated 2 years ago