Jan <3 :gopher: 🛹 · @rollbrettklauen
6 followers · 209 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Okay, adding Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), which is thread safe, to what my dream should have. Compared to Swift, their preferred implementation, ORC, doesn’t leak memory when dealing with reference cycles. Although I don’t know if their implementation it thread safe, as well.

Maybe my theoretical should use atomic operations and warn, but leak upon reference cycles. It seems to make the implementation easier but still thread safe.

#swift #programminglanguage #nim #nimlang #languagedesign

Last updated 1 year ago

Ivan, the Language Mangler 🦀 · @hywan
1347 followers · 1389 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Thoughts on OCaml, osa1.net/posts/2023-04-24-ocam.

It hurts but it’s true and factual :-/.

#ocaml #languagedesign

Last updated 2 years ago

mnml mnl (he/him) · @mnl
524 followers · 3603 posts · Server hachyderm.io

I've always considered programming languages to be languages to communicate amongst humans (the computer doesn't care one bit what language it has to parse or interpret).

I was looking for material related to studying programming languages as natural languages, but couldn't find much besides people strongly arguing that programming languages are geared towards the computer and not humans.

Any less narrow-minded views out there?

#linguistics #programminglanguages #languagedesign #programming

Last updated 2 years ago

Jorge Stolfi · @JorgeStolfi
309 followers · 1602 posts · Server mas.to

On a hunch, I went back and checked some 2000 C source files that I wrote over 30+years for instances of 'abs' that should have been 'fabs'. To my embarrassment, found more than 20 instances.

That could explain quite a few frustrating experiences with numerical software, such as improper stopping of iterations.

They could have been detected with the gcc -Wfloat-conversion switch, but it took me a decade or two to learn about it...


#languagedesign #clibrary #floatingpoint #programming

Last updated 2 years ago

Leandro · @leostera
61 followers · 184 posts · Server mas.to