@blag OK, found it. Wasn't Perec, although I think it might stem from his work. The formal Oulipian constraint is credited to Harry Mathews and is called Franglias. Here's the excerpt on it from _OuLiPo Compendium _
#oulipo #language #languagegames
At my old company I started #thunFursday as a way for designers and other folk to relax and get a little silly creating weird things. Each week we would have a theme and #spoonerisms were encouraged. #LanguageGames, #visualPuns, #visPo #art anything goes, just be respectful of others. And as a theme to kick things off lets try: SPOONERISMS
#thunfursday #spoonerisms #languagegames #visualpuns #vispo #art
#ACGrayling - #WittgensteinsGames
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfLanguage #AnalyticPhilosophy #Meaning #Math #Maths #Mathematics #Competition #Logic #Language #MeaningOfLanguage #LanguageGame #LanguageGames #Uncertainty #Silence #Religion
#religion #silence #uncertainty #languagegames #languagegame #meaningoflanguage #language #logic #competition #mathematics #maths #math #meaning #analyticphilosophy #PhilosophyOfLanguage #philosophy #wittgensteinsgames #acgrayling
“Identification of one’s own gods with the gods of other peoples. One convinces oneself that the #Names have the same meaning.” -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
#names #translation #untranslation #language #languagegames