RT @TaliaIsaacs
Applications open for Co-Editor of top-tier journal, #LanguageTesting @LangTestJournal @SAGESocialSci. Join me & fantastic editorial team! You would provide thought leadership on the strategic direction of the journal and manage & share editorial duties. https://journals.sagepub.com/pb-assets/cmscontent/LTJ/LT%20Call%20for%20Co-Editor%202023-1676618594.pdf?_gl=1*f1cszv*_ga*MTA3MTg4OTQ1MC4xNjU0MDg4NTUx*_ga_RK7MQ5ZZVZ*MTY3NjY0OTUxMy4xMTYuMC4xNjc2NjQ5NTEzLjAuMC4w*_ga_60R758KFDG*MTY3NjY0NjM2My4zNDcuMS4xNjc2NjQ5NTEzLjAuMC4w
Hello Mastodon! This is my first post here, so a quick intro: I'm a post-doc at UCLouvain. I work on a project exploring comparative judgement as a quick and reliable way of evaluating the proficiency of texts in corpora (as well as investigating the potential of the method for #languagetesting in general - more info to follow). I'm also a former language teacher and teacher trainer. I'm looking forward to being a part of the #appliedlinguistics community here!
#appliedlinguistics #languagetesting
Tony Green has come up with a great example of a possible exam task for #multimodal #LanguageTesting
#LTF2022 @UKALTA2@twitter.com
#multimodal #languagetesting #ltf2022
How do different rating scales affect the assessment of reading-into-writing performance❓
Brilliant talk✨ by @santiblestari@twitter.com #LTF2022 @UKALTA2@twitter.com
#OnlineAssessment #LanguageTesting
Interesting presentation #LTF2022 on "Classroom-based assessment in Vietnam: Exploring teachers' assessment for online classes" by Susan Sheehan & Thuy Thai from @HuddersfieldUni@twitter.com
#onlineassessment #languagetesting #ltf2022
How can we assess multimodal constructs❓Great discussion on #multimodality and #languagetesting during the Cyril Weir Lecture by @drjenrowsell@twitter.com #LTF2022 @UKALTA2@twitter.com
#multimodality #languagetesting #ltf2022
Hi, I'm a lecturer in #CorpusLinguistics at Lancaster University (UK)
My research interests❓ #QuantitativeMethods, #VocabularyResearch and #LearnerCorpusResearch with applications to #LanguageTeaching and #LanguageTesting
What do I like about my work❓
#ResearchCollaborations, #AcademicWriting, #DataViz, #Statistics, #R, #DataProcessing, #Teaching & learning new things
Free time❓It's all about books, art, music, travelling, photos
#Introduction #corpuslinguistics #quantitativemethods #vocabularyresearch #learnercorpusresearch #languageteaching #languagetesting #researchcollaborations #academicwriting #dataviz #statistics #r #dataprocessing #teaching