An ominous heating event is unfolding in the oceans - To call what’s happening in the oceans right now an anomaly is a bit of an ... - #climatechange #syndication #science #elniño #laniña #oceans
#oceans #laniña #elniño #science #syndication #climatechange
As Kenya’s crops fail, a fight over GMO rages - Enlarge (credit: James Wakibia/Getty Images)
the middle of its... - #climatechange #agriculture #science #policy #africa #laniña #gmos
#gmos #laniña #africa #policy #science #agriculture #climatechange
Ben Deacon:
"This animation from #NOAA shows the stationary #blob of cooler water driving #LaNiña. NOAA says this subsurface water will continue to supply the surface with a source of cooler water for the next couple of months at least."
Jeff Berardelli:
"An agonizing, must watch. CBS did an admirable job bringing the distant impacts of climate change to the front page.
The direct line from #famine to #ClimateChange is warranted and a powerful communication tool.
It should be noted a triple dip #LaNiña is also part of the equation"
CBS News (15 Nov 2022)
#famine #climatechange #laniña
Hatten wir die letzten Nächte auch aber anscheinend kommt #laNiña wellenweise alle paar Tage durch und die Temperaturen werden zweistellig.
Oh wow, 12°C draussen. Das muss dieses "Winter" sein.🤔
*Stellt Gastherme von Nachtbetrieb auf Aus.*
#Klimawandel #Gaspreisbremse
#laniña #klimawandel #Gaspreisbremse
"For the past two years, the natural #laniña #climate phenomenon has actually kept global temperatures lower than they would otherwise have been. The inevitable switch back to #elnino conditions will see temperatures surge even higher in future, on top of global heating."
#climatecrisis: past 8 years were the 8 hottest ever, says #UN.
Report at #Cop27 shows the world is now deep into the #ClimateEmergency, with the 1.5C heating limit ‘barely within reach’
(6 Nov 2022)
#laniña #climate #elnino #climatecrisis #UN #cop27 #climateemergency
RT @CopernicusEU: #Copernicus for #flood monitoring
#LaNiña is causing severe floods in western #Australia 🇦🇺
@CopernicusEMS has been activated (#EMSN637 -
⬇️Flooded areas near Wee Waa are visible in this #Sentinel2 🇪🇺🛰️image of 14 October
#Copernicus #Flood #laniña #Australia #EMSN637 #Sentinel2
#Copernicus for #flood monitoring
#LaNiña is causing severe floods in western #Australia 🇦🇺
@CopernicusEMS has been activated (#EMSN637 -
⬇️Flooded areas near Wee Waa are visible in this #Sentinel2 🇪🇺🛰️image of 14 October
#Copernicus #Flood #laniña #Australia #EMSN637 #Sentinel2
Referenced link:
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Originally posted by /
Study suggests #LaNiña winters could keep on coming @theAGU
RT @CopernicusEU: #Copernicus #ImageOfTheWeek
#LaNiña is part of a climatic phenomenon that influences the climate in many parts of the 🌍
➡️2022 marks the 3⃣rd La Niña event in a row
⬇️The distinctive 🔵 negative thermal anomaly in the #Pacific Ocean visible in recent #CopernicusMarine data
#Copernicus #ImageOfTheWeek #laniña #pacific #CopernicusMarine
RT @CopernicusEU: #Copernicus #ImageOfTheWeek
#LaNiña is part of a climatic phenomenon that influences the climate in many parts of the 🌍
➡️2022 marks the 3⃣rd La Niña event in a row
⬇️The distinctive 🔵 negative thermal anomaly in the #Pacific Ocean visible in recent #CopernicusMarine data
#Copernicus #ImageOfTheWeek #laniña #pacific #CopernicusMarine
RT @CopernicusEU: #Copernicus #ImageOfTheWeek
#LaNiña is part of a climatic phenomenon that influences the climate in many parts of the 🌍
➡️2022 marks the 3⃣rd La Niña event in a row
⬇️The distinctive 🔵 negative thermal anomaly in the #Pacific Ocean visible in recent #CopernicusMarine data
#Copernicus #ImageOfTheWeek #laniña #pacific #CopernicusMarine
RT @CopernicusEU
#Copernicus #ImageOfTheWeek
#LaNiña is part of a climatic phenomenon that influences the climate in many parts of the 🌍
➡️2022 marks the 3⃣rd La Niña event in a row
⬇️The distinctive 🔵 negative thermal anomaly in the #Pacific Ocean visible in recent #CopernicusMarine data
#CopernicusMarine #pacific #laniña #ImageOfTheWeek #copernicus
RT @CopernicusEU: #Copernicus #ImageOfTheWeek
#LaNiña is part of a climatic phenomenon that influences the climate in many parts of the 🌍
➡️2022 marks the 3⃣rd La Niña event in a row
⬇️The distinctive 🔵 negative thermal anomaly in the #Pacific Ocean visible in recent #CopernicusMarine data
#Copernicus #ImageOfTheWeek #laniña #pacific #CopernicusMarine
#LaNiña is part of a climatic phenomenon that influences the climate in many parts of the 🌍
➡️2022 marks the 3⃣rd La Niña event in a row
⬇️The distinctive 🔵 negative thermal anomaly in the #Pacific Ocean visible in recent #CopernicusMarine data
#Copernicus #ImageOfTheWeek #laniña #pacific #CopernicusMarine
How global warming and La Niña fueled a summer of climate extremes - Enlarge / A warming climate can lead to more extreme downpours, as Bang... - #climatechange #globalwarming #climatology #syndication #science #laniña
#laniña #science #syndication #climatology #globalwarming #climatechange
#LaNiña is an extreme phase of a climate cycle that occurs naturally in the central Pacific #Ocean🌊
➡️2022 marks the third La Niña event in a row
⬇️The distinctive negative thermal anomaly of the phenomenon visible in the #CopernicusMarine data of 13 September
#ImageOfTheDay #laniña #Ocean #CopernicusMarine
#LaNiña is an extreme phase of a climate cycle that occurs naturally in the central Pacific #Ocean🌊
➡️2022 marks the third La Niña event in a row
⬇️The distinctive negative thermal anomaly of the phenomenon visible in the #CopernicusMarine data of 13 September
#ImageOfTheDay #laniña #Ocean #CopernicusMarine
#LaNiña is an extreme phase of a climate cycle that occurs naturally in the central Pacific #Ocean🌊
➡️2022 marks the third La Niña event in a row
⬇️The distinctive negative thermal anomaly of the phenomenon visible in the #CopernicusMarine data of 13 September
#ImageOfTheDay #laniña #Ocean #CopernicusMarine