#LansingAreaAIDSNetwork supplies condoms, lube, and free test kits for HIV and Hepatitis C. #LAAN also supplies those things to #PWL and #LSA from time to time. http://www.laanonline.org/
#lansingareaaidsnetwork #laan #pwl #lsa #punkswithlunchlansing #lansingsyringeaccess #lansing
#Lansing #HarmReduction update
**Punks With Lunch Lansing** has a harm reduction station at #TheFledge on #LansingEastside over by Sparrow (address on their FB page). https://m.facebook.com/100051135744856/about/
#PWL also does biweekly outreach at Reuter Park across the street from the downtown Lansing Public Library.
#LansingSyringeAccess is over on Holmes road. https://www.lansingsyringeaccess.com/
Both groups have #Narcan / #naloxone, and fentanyl test strips.
#lansing #harmreduction #thefledge #lansingeastside #pwl #lansingsyringeaccess #narcan #naloxone #punkswithlunchlansing