Yeah, I noticed. 😶
I need lessons geared toward serial language learners. A simple "this suffix is the normative case marker and that suffix is the dative case marker" would have saved me wading through paragraphs of explanation.
Once again I have hit that weird spot where I know just enough that anything that is "made easier" for everyone is made more difficult for me. (I have this problem with a lot of WYSIWYG applications as well.) Thanks, brain!
#korean #lanuagelearning #adultlearner
I’ve always loved languages. As a kid I would tell anyone who asked that I wanted to live in every country in the world when I grew up so I could be fluent in all their languages and learn all their cultures.
I was not prepared to enjoy learning #Norwegian as much as I have been however.
#norwegian #linguistics #history #languages #lanuagelearning #hobby