#Recommendations for a #lanyard or #ChestMount to cheaply be able to use AIRA and other apps while traveling abroad, including through airports? Looking more at the latter option as it would seem to be more secure. Direct links, please. Thank you. #a11y
#recommendations #lanyard #chestmount #a11y
Slinger, a very unique lanyard that comes in many colors and options. It was demoed by Sam of BlindLife. Check it out here... https://youtu.be/39CYHfY4Lg8. #Slinger #Lanyard #Colors #Accessories #BlindLife #Aira #BeMyEyes #Blind
#slinger #lanyard #colors #accessories #blindlife #aira #bemyeyes #blind
Not sure if any of you #bitwig #fanboys would enjoy this: https://www.tutti.ch/de/vi/basel/kleinbasel/kleidung-accessoires/taschen-portemonnaies/tasche-voller-bitwig-studio-merchandise/58966213
If you pay for shipping from Switzerland to your destination, I would love to send the #goodies to the fastest person. PS: I'm still very much a Bitwig fanboy too, but I'm migrating and need to shed as much "weight" as possible. 😅 🤓 #merchandise #tshirt #sticker #lanyard and eurorack blinds.
#lanyard #sticker #tshirt #merchandise #goodies #fanboys #bitwig
@kelbot Nice!! I need to get a #lanyard and find my old #RPi #touchscreen #stylus! This #PocketCHIP is beating any and all #expectations. Just THE #right #device!
#lanyard #rpi #touchscreen #stylus #pocketchip #expectations #right #device