I liked the final episode of #LaPluie. The trash!boyfriends all finally got wise, listened to good advice, and managed their behavior. Tai's interlude with the helpful stranger and his blind girlfriend was respectful of her disability and gay-affirming, two good steps forward. The reunion scene on the street made me genuinely misty. Pee's emotional range is fantastic, and he was on full display in the final two episodes.
Thanks for turning me on to #LaPluie, @himboluigi. Episode 10 just made this long investment pay off.
with #stepbysteptheseries, #lapluie and #bemyfavorite all airing concurrently, almost every day i get to read huge essays about symbolism in media, meaning of colors and framing, character development, queer experiences and queer filmmaking. it's absolutely fantastic. what an amazing time to be alive
#stepbysteptheseries #lapluie #bemyfavorite
Up to episode 8 of #LaPluie. Quite an interesting development with Lomfon's hearing.
OrelSan - La pluie (feat. Stromae) [CLIP OFFICIEL]
Youhou, enfin #laPluie !
/me aspire à plein poumons cette agréable odeur de poussière mouillée ! 😁🌧