Wow. #Lapvona was a really engaging read. Reminded me of Halldór Laxness. #bookstodon @bookstodon #Reading #books
#lapvona #bookstodon #Reading #books
@algo_luca Two recommendations:
* The People's Act of Love by James Meek
* Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh
#lapvona #moshfegh #jamesmeek #books
The book goes to a good length to lampoon belief in gods. But at the end, Grigor feels Ina’s divinity in his body, and she asks him to allow God into his heart.
I didn’t think the rest of Ina—her recovering eyesight, her oneness with nature—to be divine. I thought it was natural processes, her inherent gifts, her resilience. It fit into Lapvona’s atmosphere for me. But the scene at the end left me wondering. #lapvona