Setting up #PHPStorm to handle #PHPStan / #Larastan, Laravel Pint, Code Sniffer and CS_Fixer (not sure if this is needed with Laravel Pint). What is the best way to set this up so I don't have to set this up for every project? Tried to point to a globally installed version of each but wasn't able to easily do this.
Suggestions or a pointer to a tutorial would be fabuluous!
New plugin for #PHP #Pest to give you type coverage right in Pest. Simply `composer require pestphp/pest-plugin-type-coverage —dev` and then run Pest with `pest —type-coverage -min=100` Perhaps you won’t need #PHPStan or #LaraStan anymore.
Four other great new features in Pest in Like Downing’s video on Laracasts here
Last two days I struggled getting #larastan to accept
$response = collect($rows->response);
The error was 'Unable to resolve the template type TKey/TValue in call to function collect‘.
The solution (for me) is to add the type onto a variable first, and then use that variable in the #laravel collect() method. Hope this helps others, or if you feel this can be improved upon, please do let me know (suggestion came from this issue
Using #larastan (level 6), down to 11 errors now. Struggling to get my arrays typed correctly, and handling property assignments now. Otherwise, enjoying the massive cleanup of my code.